Creating a listing

A listing is a digital entry, representing your property in a booking channel or a property management system (PMS). Potential guests can view the details of your property on the listing page, such as each unit's rates and availability, photos of rooms and spaces, and included amenities.

You can easily create a listing in Guesty and connect it to a booking channel. The information will then sync across the platforms, according to the specific integration with the channel

Listing types

In Guesty, you can create three types of listings:


A standalone unit, designed to occupy a single guest, or a group of guests booking together. A single unit offers a specific bed arrangement (or a “room type”), such as a twin room, a duplex, a suite, etc. 


A listing containing a group of units of the same type, with the same bed arrangement. These “Sub-units” can differ slightly but have the same amenities, size, and rates. 


A listing that contains multiple units of different types. It can be composed of single units, multi-units, or both. For example, a complex can include several standard room units (sub-units of the same multi-unit) and one suite (a single unit).

Besides creating a listing, you can duplicate an existing single-unit listing, or import your existing Airbnb listings to Guesty. When creating a multi-unit, you can import the settings of another listing to it, as described in the steps below.

You can also import the settings of an existing listing to another existing listing.

Learn more about the differences between properties, listings, and room types, and check which channel integrations support multi-units and complexes.

After that, follow the instructions below to create a listing, and configure it with additional settings. You can skip any optional fields and return to edit the listing later.

Channels information


Avoid recreating a listing and publishing it again to Airbnb if it was flagged, suspended, or permanently deleted by Airbnb. This may lead to your Airbnb account being removed.

Guesty Booking Engine (Booking Website for Lite users)

If you set your Engine/Website to include "All listings", any listing you create will automatically be added to the list of listings included in the Engine/Website. You can change these settings to include only selected listings, alternatively. 

1. Create a listing in Guesty

Step by step:

  1. Sign in to your Guesty account.
  2. In the top-right corner of your dashboard, click the plus icon.
  3. Click New listing.
  4. Select the relevant listing type. The listing type cannot be changed. For example, if you created a single unit, it can't be converted to multi-unit.
  5. For a multi-unit or a complex, fill in the next section as indicated:
    • Multi-unit
      1. Select the sub-units from the dropdown under “Connected listings”.
      2. If you haven’t created them, select Create new listings under “Connection method”,  then adjust the number of sub-units you want to add. The sub-units will be automatically created once you finish setting up the main unit.

        Alternatively, you can create the sub-units as single units, and later assign them to the multi-unit. In this case, under “Listing type”, select Single-unit (default). Continue to the next steps.

      3. Select whether to auto-assign reservations to the sub-units and, if so, how many days before the reservation check-in date. 

        If you choose not to assign reservations to sub-units automatically, you’ll need to do so manually. Learn in which cases auto-assignment of reservations won’t apply.

      4. To automatically fill in the rest of the fields in the setup, you can import the settings of an existing listing. Under “Import settings from”, click Choose listings. Then, select the relevant listing from the dropdown menu.
    • Complex

      In case you’re creating a complex, select its composing units (single and/or multi-units) from the dropdown menu under “Connected listings”.

      If you haven’t created the composing units, continue to set up the complex and return to assign the units to the complex once they are made.

  6. Under “Nickname”, select and type in an internal name for the listing that will allow you to locate it quickly.
  7. (Optional) Add a tag to the listing to group it with similar listings, and easily filter them in your listings reports. You can assign an existing tag or create a new one.
  8. Enter a name for the listing. This is the title that will sync to booking channels and be seen by guests
  9. Set the listing’s Full address
  10. Add the listing’s photos. When creating a listing, you can upload photos with a file size of up to 5MB each. Once the listing is created, you can add additional photos. Check for more limitations (resolution, number of photos) in the linked article.
  11. (Optional) Under “Property”, set the following:
  12. Set the listing’s default minimum and maximum nights, and the default check-in and check-out times.
  13. Set the listing’s default base price
  14. Select the listing’s currency.
  15. Click Save.

The listing will be activated automatically, and billing will start. You can always deactivate and reactivate the listing.

2. Configure additional settings

After the listing is created, we recommend configuring the following additional settings.

3. Connect with channels

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