When publishing a listing to Vrbo, certain requirements must be met. If a listing doesn’t comply with Vrbo’s standards, Guesty displays an error message to prevent publishing. Below, we outline common issues, causes and resolutions to help you troubleshoot and publish your listings successfully.
General errors
These errors occur during the preparation or publishing of a listing and are caused by missing information or account setup issues that prevent further progress.
Error message displayed |
Explanation/resolution |
Internal server error: Indicates a temporary issue with Vrbo’s system. Resolution: Retry publishing after some time. |
Indicates a temporary issue with Vrbo’s system. Retry publishing after some time |
Incomplete content (INCOMPLETE_CONTENT) |
General error when required details are missing. Review the listing for any incomplete sections and update as needed. If all details seem correct, contact Vrbo for further assistance. |
Errors before publishing
These errors occur during the preparation or publishing of a listing and are caused by missing information or account setup issues that prevent further progress.
Error message displayed |
Explanation/resolution |
You can't publish the listing due to auto payment issues |
To publish a listing to Vrbo, you must complete the following payment-related actions:
To integrate to Vrbo, you must set a Guesty auto payment rule to schedule collection of payment "at confirmation" or under "Set the amount to collect" select Rest of payment from the dropdown menu. Tip:If you choose to set up more than one auto payment rule instead of collecting 100% of the payment at once, ensure the total sum of the rules equals 100% of the payment. Regardless, we strongly recommend that the last rule, in chronological order, is a "rest of payment" rule. |
Error reason is blank |
If no reason is provided for the error, it often indicates that you're trying to publish a multi-unit listing, which Guesty's integration with Vrbo doesn't support. Publish each sub-unit as a separate listing on Vrbo. |
Invalid listing error: "Listing should have a valid address" |
When creating listings in Guesty, Google Maps is used to set the location. However, some addresses may lack complete data, which can lead to errors. To resolve these, ensure all required fields are filled using an Excel template and contact us with the form attached:
Learn more about connectability issues due to incomplete address. Tip:If the listing's street address doesn't generate exact coordinates, use tools like Google Maps API or Map Developers to manually retrieve the latitude and longitude. Once you have the coordinates, enter them in the corresponding fields in Guesty, ensuring they match the address details. |
Listing language error: "The listing should include content in the following Vrbo brand language: (language code)" |
Note:If you are part of the Pilot program to manage multiple languages in Guesty, see here. The listing language doesn't match the required language for the Vrbo brand. Vrbo supports specific languages for each brand, and all listing content must match the language associated with the Vrbo brand selected when connecting to Guesty. To confirm the supported languages for your specific brand, refer to page 35 in Vrbo's Self-Service Onboarding guide: Ensure all descriptions and listing content in Guesty align with the brand's language. For example, Vrbo Spain listings must be in Spanish. Even single non-native words can trigger this error (e.g., "internet" in a Spanish description). |
Status: Contact Vrbo |
Your Vrbo account is not yet connected to Guesty. Complete Vrbo’s SSO Form and contact Vrbo support to finalize the connection process. |
StreetDigit |
The listing’s address format doesn’t comply with Vrbo’s requirements. This error may be triggered if the address in Guesty doesn’t match Vrbo’s expected format. Ensure the street number is placed before the street name in the address field (e.g., 123 Main Street, not Main Street 123), and republish. For listings without street names, use “Unnamed Road” as a placeholder. If the format is correct but the error persists, use the Manual Override option to update the address directly in the listing, then republish it. |
Wrong format of published address |
Each listing in Guesty can have two types of addresses: The listing address and the published address. If only the listing address is set, it defaults as the published address across booking channels. Ensure the published address is in the correct format. |
Errors during publishing
These errors occur while trying to publish a listing and are typically related to Vrbo’s validation requirements.
Error message displayed |
Explanation/resolution |
++ |
One or more address fields are missing. Fill in all required address fields. Note: the “State” field is only required for U.S. listings. |
The listing’s coordinates don’t match the address on Google Maps. Ensure the listing’s coordinates align with the address in Google Maps. |
No bathroom is specified. Add at least one bathroom in the Property tab in Guesty. |
The description doesn’t meet the minimum 400-character requirement. Ensure the combined description fields meet the 400-character requirement. |
Multiple validation issues exist. Address each error individually. If unresolved, contact Vrbo for clarification. |
Internal server error |
Temporary issue on Vrbo’s side. Retry after a short wait. |
The property type isn’t specified or supported by Vrbo. Select a valid property type from Vrbo’s supported list in Guesty: "apartment", "house", "bed & breakfast", "bed and breakfast", "boat", "bungalow", "cabin", "camper/rv", "castle", "chalet", "townhouse", "condominium", "villa", "loft", "island", "cave", "earth house", "igloo", "tipi", "yurt", "treehouse", "plane", "parking space", "dorm", "other", "tent", "hut", "serviced apartment", "guest suite", "guesthouse", "hostel", "farm stay", "tiny house", "cottage", "hotel", "boutique hotel", "timeshare", "resort", "vacation home", "casa particular (cuba)", "pension (south korea)", "nature lodge", "studio", "in-law", "aparthotel", "room", "heritage hotel (india)", "houseboat", "cycladic house (greece)", "campsite", "none", "dome house", "barn", "ryokan (japan)", "trullo (italy)", "casa particular", "shepherd's hut (u.k. france)", "apartamento", "windmill", "dammuso (italy)" |
There are fewer than seven photos. Add at least seven high-quality photos to the listing. |
Rates are incomplete or missing. Add rate details in the listing. |
You must choose a listing product type before this listing can go live. |
The listing hasn’t been converted to a supported plan.
Errors after publishing
These errors occur once a listing is live on Vrbo and may indicate ongoing issues or the need for further action.
Error reason blank
Contact Vrbo support to investigate the issue.
Status: Contact Vrbo
This status indicates an unresolved account or listing issue. Contact Vrbo support for assistance.
Status: Pending
A listing will remain in pending status for up to 72 hours before switching to "Connected" after Vrbo's approval.
- Check if the listing is unlisted in Guesty. If this is the case, change the status to Listed then allow 72 hours.
- Check when the listing was published. If it was less than 72 hours, allow the full time to pass then check again.
- If the listing was published more than 72 hours ago and is still pending, please contact us.
Status: Failed
These errors occur when a listing fails to meet Vrbo’s requirements after publishing./p
Click Show errors next to the listing status in Guesty to identify the error and resolve the issue, described below.
Error message displayed
Auto payment rules missing in Guesty Typically occurs when automatic payments are missing or incorrectly configured/activated for your listings.
ollow these steps:
- Check auto payment settings in your Guesty account and confirm that the auto payment rule is enabled for your listings.
- Verify the payment method is linked to your account (e.g., credit card, bank account) is valid and up to date. If necessary, re-enter your payment details.
- Ensure the reservation’s payment settings (deposit, final payment terms) align with the automatic payment processing settings for the listing.
If the issue persists, contact us.
Invalid address (ADDRESS_MISSING) The address is incomplete or invalid.
Update the listing with a valid address.
Invalid property type The property type isn’t supported.
Select a type from Vrbo’s approved list.
Missing content (INCOMPLETE_CONTENT) The listing lacks required fields such as photos or descriptions.
Ensure the description exceeds 400 characters and includes at least 7 photos.
Nightly overrides:
Element 'nightlyOverrides': This element is not expected.
After you publish a listing to Vrbo, you may see that the connection's status is "Pending", and that a "Show Errors" button appears by the relevant listing. This occurs when Guesty encounters a validation error while attempting to publish it. If you see this error message when clicking the button, it indicates that a base price has not been set on the listing in Guesty.
To resolve this issue, add a base price to the listing. Once done, the listing's status will change to "Connected" within 24 hours.
Rates missing (RATES_MISSING) Rates aren’t configured.
Configure rates in Guesty.
Pay per booking plan missing The listing isn’t converted to PPB or doesn’t have a subscription.
Update the listing to PPB or purchase a subscription in Vrbo
Review Vrbo’s restricted listings policy for further guidance.
Vrbo validation errors
These errors are specific to Vrbo’s validation process and may occur during or after publishing.
Error message displayed |
Explanation/resolution |
The listing’s address doesn’t match Google Maps validation. Update the listing’s coordinates in Guesty to match Google Maps. Allow 24 hours for the change to reflect. |
The address fields are incomplete or inaccurate. Populate all required fields in Guesty. Note:
The number of bathrooms isn’t specified. Enter at least one bathroom in the property details. |
The listing has fewer than 7 photos. Add at least 7 photos to meet Vrbo’s requirements. |
The property type is unspecified or unsupported. Select a supported property type from the list in Guesty. (Include property type list link). |
Missing information in sleep capacity, description, or rates. Complete the relevant fields according to Vrbo’s requirements. |
Other error messages
IsAccountNotDelinquent: Resolve any payment issues with Vrbo.
IsActiveByOwner: Share the property in Vrbo's Listing Integration to go live.
IsListingNotArchived:Request Vrbo to unarchive the property.
IsActiveByCsr: Request Vrbo to enable the property to go live.
HasImages: Upload at least six images (JPG, GIF, or PNG) with a minimum resolution of 1920x1080.
HasRates: Add nightly rates.
HasBathroom: Add the number of bathrooms.
HasMaxOccupancy:Set the maximum occupancy.
HasPropertyDescription:Add a property description (between 400 and 10,000 characters).
HasPropertyHeadline:Add a property title (between 20 and 80 characters).
HasPropertyName: Add a property title/name (up to 400 characters).
HasPropertyType: Select a property type.
HasValidatedAddress: Ensure the address is verified by Google Maps.
HasGeoCode: Add the property's Longitude and Latitude.
HasPropertyAddress: Request Vrbo to resolve an address verification issue.
HasRegistrationNumber: Add legal registration information in Vrbo’s Local Laws section. Add a valid registration number to the listing in Guesty. For more help, Contact Vrbo
ReverseGeocodePostalCode: Verify if the listing's zip code has a dash after the first five digits. Remove the dash and all following digits, then republish the listing in Guesty.
For errors not covered in this article, contact Vrbo directly for assistance.