Managing a listing address

When you create a listing, you set the property's "full" address. This is the property's actual address. Additionally, you can set a "published" address for your listing.

Properties in Guesty can have two types of addresses:

  • Full address: The "real" address of the property. 
  • Published address: The address that will be displayed in the booking channel. Use this type of address as a security measure, giving only a general indication of the property's location.

If there's no published address, the full address will appear in the connected booking channels and when sending a quote. 

Units composing a complex or a multi-unit share the same full address but the “Additional address details” can be different. If this is not the case, you can manually correct their address as instructed, or unassign the units from their parent multi-unit or complex.

The address display order will be based on the property’s country. For example, for properties located in the USA, the address format will be street number, street name, city, state, zip code, and country.

The "City" field in the listing's address will set the listing's "Destination" in the Booking Engine (Booking Website for Lite users) search results.

You can contact us to update the addresses of multiple listings in bulk, see the instructions below.

Channel limitations


Make changes to the full address only if you haven’t received a confirmed reservation for the listing. If you have received a confirmed reservation, contact Airbnb Support to update the listing address.

Before your first confirmed reservation, update the listing's full address in Guesty only if you have set a Full sync for your listing. If you set a Limited sync, update it directly in Airbnb. you can change your sync settings from Full sync to Limited sync, and manage all content attributes, including the property full address, in Airbnb.

Additionally, making changes to the listing full address in Airbnb disables your ability to update it in Guesty, regardless of the sync type. In this case, the property address will be managed in Airbnb and “locked” from being changed from Guesty. The address won't be displayed in Guesty but will appear in Airbnb. 

For listings with a Full sync connection, updates to the address in Guesty will only be pushed to Airbnb if the change is within 0.01 KM of the current address. 

All the address fields are mandatory to fill. Also, If you set a property type to "Apartment", you must add an apartment number.

Listings with Full sync connection: When you publish a listing, the address you set for the listing will sync to upon the initial publish, and only if the listing status in Extranet is "XML: Being Built". Change the address in after the listing is published.

For listings with Rates & availability connection, update the listing address in 


All the address fields are mandatory to fill. Also, avoid using abbreviations for cities and countries (i.e., use "United States" instead of "USA"). Check if the zip code contains a dash after the first five digits. If it does, remove it and any following digits.

After you publish a listing to Vrbo, the listing address can only be updated manually by Vrbo Support. Any change to the address in Guesty will not be reflected in Vrbo and may be viewed by Vrbo as attempted fraud. You can adjust the published address instead, or contact the Vrbo Support team to change the full address.


Fields are only overridden in Vrbo if they also exist in Guesty and are sent through the API connection. Fields in Vrbo that don't respond with fields in Guesty need to be updated directly in Vrbo.

Google VR, HVMB, and Additional booking channels

All the address fields are mandatory to fill.

Follow the instructions below to update a listing's full address, or to set a published address.

Update a listing’s full address

Pro users Lite users

Step by step:

  1. Sign in to your Guesty account.
  2. In the top navigation bar, click the mode selector and select Operations mode.
  3. Click Properties.
  4. Click the relevant listing. In case of a multi-unit or a complex, navigate to the multi-unit or complex main unit page.
  5. In the left-side menu, under "Details & layout", click Location & details.
  6. Next to "Full address", click Edit.
  7. Select Full address or Coordinates.
    • Choose "Full address" to retrieve the location using a Google search. Start typing the property address in the text box, and select the relevant result from the search results. Avoid using special characters, including <,>,*,\, etc. Under “Manual override”, the location fields will be populated automatically based on the selected result. 
    • Choose "Coordinates" to retrieve the listing’s location fields by filling in the latitude/longitude values. Use decimal format (for example: 41.40338, 2.17403). Learn how to retrieve coordinates from Google Maps.

    If the location fields don’t display the correct address, or if you encounter a duplicated result of the same address, click Manual override, and adjust the relevant fields. When changing the coordinates, the location fields will be updated automatically according to the new values.

  8. Under “Additional address details”, add the relevant information (optional). Note that some booking channels require this information to verify the address. These fields won’t be displayed in the booking channels, but can be shared internally with your staff. Additional address details can be different for each sub-unit of a multi-unit.
  9. Click Save.

Set a listing's published address

Follow the instructions below to set the published address.

Pro users Lite users

Step by step:

  1. Sign in to your Guesty account.
  2. In the top navigation bar, click the mode selector and select Operations mode.
  3. Click Properties.
  4. Click the relevant listing. In case of a multi-unit or a complex, navigate to the multi-unit or complex main unit page.
  5. Under "Details & Layout", click Location & details.
  6. Under "Full address", toggle on Add a separate published address.
  7. To the right of "Published address", click Edit.
  8. Fill in the requested fields. If you want to use an unrecognized address, click Manual override at the bottom.
  9. Click Save.

Update addresses in bulk

If you would like to update addresses for multiple listings, download this Excel template, fill out the required fields, then contact us with the completed form attached.

Required fields

  1. Listing ID: Guesty Listing ID (example: 59340fbed0140d1000c49f2f)
  2. Listing name
  3. Full address
  4. Street

    You can use "Unnamed Road" as a placeholder for listings or addresses where the actual street name is unknown or does not exist.

  5. Apartment/Unit
  6. City
  7. State
  8. Country
  9. Zip code

    If you don’t want to fill in a zip code, use "0000" instead.

  10. Latitude
  11. Longitude
  12. Google maps link


  • Google Maps API or Map Developers helps determine the exact coordinates, ensuring that they correlate with the provided street address.
  • Use 6-digit numbers for latitude and longitude only.
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