Managing a complex settings at the main unit or individual unit level

A complex is a hotel-like property, consisting of different types of rooms (such as “suite”, “standard room”, etc.). A complex is made up of a set of listings, which can be either single-units, multi-units, or both.
A single unit is a listing consisting of one unit of a single type, such as a “suite” type. A multi-unit is a listing comprised of multiple units of the same type. For example, a multi-unit listing can be composed of three rooms of a “standard room” type. Each room is a “sub-unit” of the multi-unit. When a guest books a room in a multi-unit, you can allocate any of the available sub-units of the multi-unit for their stay. Therefore, sub-units should be similar to one another in their characteristics, including their facilities, size, and pricing.

A complex can consist of different types of rooms under the same roof. For example, one complex can include: 

  • A multi-unit, composed of three sub-units from a “standard room” type 
  • A single unit, comprised of one unit of a “suite” type. 

You can make changes to a multi-unit listing in several ways:

  • At the main unit level: edit the main settings of the complex. Changes will apply to all composing units (including all multi-units and single units)
  • At the individual unit level: edit a specific multi-unit or single unit under the complex. Learn to manage a multi-unit's settings in the main unit or a sub-unit level.
  • Both at the main complex unit and per composing unit.

Main unit level

Set the property’s address in the main complex level, including the following “Additional address details” fields:

  • Neighborhood
  • County / Region
  • Building name

Composing unit level

  • Configure the following “Additional address details” fields on a composing-unit level. If the unit is a multi-unit, configure them on the sub-unit level:
    • Apartment
    • Unit
    • Floor
  • Refer to this article if the composing unit is a multi-unit.

Main unit and per composing unit

Configure the following settings on the main unit and separately per composing unit:

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