Changing a listing's nickname

Give your listings unique nicknames to make them easily recognizable throughout Guesty.

Nicknames are internal and aren't displayed to guests, and you can change a nickname at any time.

Airbnb users

Set or update your property nickname in Guesty only if you have set a Full sync for your listing. If you set a Limited sync, do so directly in Airbnb. you can change your sync settings from Full sync to Limited sync, and manage all content attributes, including the listing nickname, in Airbnb.

Additionally, making changes to the listing nickname in Airbnb disables your ability to update it in Guesty, regardless of the sync type. In this case, the nickname will be managed in Airbnb and “locked” from being changed from Guesty. The nickname won't be displayed in Guesty but will appear in Airbnb. 

Pro users Lite users

Step by step:

  1. Sign in to your Guesty account.
  2. In the top navigation bar, click the mode selector and select Operations mode.
  3. Click Properties.
  4. Click the relevant listing.
    • If the listing is a multi-unit, you can manage this feature via the multi-unit's main unit, and the settings will apply to all its sub-units. Alternatively, you can configure the settings for a specific sub-unit. Click the main unit or the specific sub-unit.
  5. In the left-side menu, click Settings.
  6. In the "Nickname" section, click Edit.
  7. Enter the new nickname under "Nickname".
  8. Click Save


Learn how to change the title of the listing.

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