Unable to add payments to a reservation

You may need to add or record a payment on a reservation, for example if a guest has added services mid-stay or extended their stay. If you are unable to add this new payment or an authorization hold and are unable to locate the necessary buttons within the reservation page, it may be due to several reasons:

  • The reservation is already fully paid
  • The reservation was canceled or expired
  • The listing is deactivated
  • Your Guesty account is inactive

The reservation is already fully paid

If the reservation balance has already been paid or accounted for and there is no money left to charge, you will not be able to perform any payment actions. Follow the instructions to resolve this issue.

The payment was processed by a booking channel

If a reservation's payments are processed by a booking channel, but you also need to charge some of the amount - for example, an additional fee - collect your guest's payment method and add it to the reservation. Update the guest folio breakdown by adding or adjusting line items. Finally, create the new payment.

The guest was fully charged by an auto payment or authorization hold

If a guest's balance is accounted for with existing auto payments or authorization holds that cover the total balance. Guesty will not allow you to record a payment, as the guest would be overcharged. If you have scheduled auto payments, cancel ones that interfere with the amount you want to collect.

For example, there is a $1000 balance on a reservation and you have two auto payments scheduled: One will collect $500 at check-in and the other will collect the remaining $500 two weeks later. The guest requests to pay $600 in cash when they arrive. In this scenario, you will have two options in order to record the $600 payment:

  1. Cancel the first $500 auto payment and edit the other auto payment to $400 to collect the remaining balance.

  2. Cancel both $500 auto payments and manually collect the remaining $400 balance.

The reservation is canceled or expired

A payment method can only be added to a reservation in a "confirmed", "reserved", or "awaiting payment" status. Learn more about reservation statuses.

The related listing is deactivated

If you wish to add an auto payment for a listing which was deactivated, re-activate it first.

Your Guesty account is inactive

You cannot perform any payment-related operation on a suspended account. Your account can be suspended if you miss a payment to Guesty.

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