After you set up your additional fees, they are added to reservations and reflect the price the guest knows they are going to pay for each extra service.
If a reservation has an additional fee with an incorrect price or you decide to change the price, you can do this for just one reservation, or change the fee setup to apply for all future reservations.
Additional fees that are already part of existing reservations will not be affected, since the guests already booked at the original price. You can still choose to change the price of an additional fee on an existing reservation (we recommend confirming with the guest first).
- You have a $100 pool fee, but your new cleaner charges more, and you decide to start charging $150. Edit the fee setup for future reservations to be charged the new price.
- You have a $100 pool fee, but a guest is disappointed, and you decide to give them a discount. Edit the price on their reservation only.
To change the price of a fee in one reservation, make an adjustment on the guest folio.
To change the price of the fee for future reservations, follow the steps to create an additional fee, and edit the specific fee. This can be done on the account level for all listings (Pro only), or for individual listings.