Managing Smart Calendar Rules

Smart Calendar Rules is a feature that allows you to set up automated rules for your calendar, which will automatically block reservation dates for connected listings when one listing is booked. This prevents double bookings and ensures accurate availability across properties. You can create, edit, or delete automated Smart Calendar Rules at any time.

A Smart Calendar Rule is triggered when a confirmed reservation is assigned to Listing A (the "blocking" listing). The rule will block a connected Listing B (the "blocked" listing) for the reservation's dates. Reservations include those made by property owners.

You can also set the rule to activate when a manual block is applied for Listing A, including preparation time blocks.

A Smart Calendar Rule can be a "one-way" or a "two-way" rule. A one-way rule will block Listing B when a reservation (or a manual block) is assigned to Listing A, but not vice versa. A two-way rule will work both ways.

Follow the instructions below to create, edit, or delete Smart Calendar Rules.


Smart Calendar Rules will apply to reservations received after the rules were set by default and won't affect any existing reservations. For example, if you add a rule that Listing A will block Listing B, and at the time of the rule's creation there is already a reservation assigned to Listing A, Listing B won't get blocked by the added rule. 

The same logic applies when deactivating a rule (or the whole listing, which deactivates its Smart Calendar Rules), and then reactivating it. Reactivating a rule will apply to reservations received after reactivation, and won't affect existing reservations by default.

To apply the rule retroactively, mark the relevant checkbox (step 10) when creating a rule. 

Creating Smart Calendar Rules

Pro usersLite users

Step by step:

  1. Sign in to your Guesty account.
  2. In the top navigation bar, click the mode selector and select Operations mode.
  3. Click Properties.
  4. Click the relevant listing.
    If the listing is a multi-unit, click a sub-unit on the left-hand side first.
    Smart Calendar Rules must be set up on each sub-unit individually. Learn more about accessing a sub-unit's settings.
  5. In the listing's menu, click Calendar. Then, select Smart calendar rules.
  6. Click Create a Smart Calendar Rule if you haven't created rules before. Otherwise, click New rule to create a new rule or Edit to edit an existing rule.
  7. In the popup window, choose the properties you want to apply the rule on so that if they are booked, these properties will be blocked as well for the corresponding dates. 
  8. Mark the relevant checkbox(s) (if relevant):
    • Two-way rule: Apply the rule both ways between properties. When booking one property, it will automatically block off the other, and the other way around.
    • Include manual blocks: Apply the rule on manual blocks made directly in the Multi-Calendar as well as on reservations, instead of only enforcing the rule on reservations.
  9. Click Add new rule.
  10. Choose whether to apply the rule retroactively on upcoming reservations and manual blocks, by clicking either Yes, apply it retroactively, or No, do not apply it retroactively.
  11. Click Save
    A new rule will be activated by default.

Editing Smart Calendar Rules

To change a rule's settings, navigate to the "blocking" listing's Smart Calendar Rules page (not to the blocked listing), as described below.

At the top section on the page, under "Your rules for..(name of the listing)", you can see a list of the listings blocked by that listing. At the bottom section, under "Rules enforced...(name of the listing)" you can see a list of all the listings that block the listing. You can easily navigate to the rule's settings on each blocking listing, by clicking "Manage affecting rule".

Pro usersLite users

Step by step:

  1. Sign in to your Guesty account.
  2. In the top navigation bar, click the mode selector and select Operations mode.
  3. Click Properties.
  4. Click the relevant listing.
    If the listing is a multi-unit, click a sub-unit on the left-hand side first.
    Smart Calendar Rules must be set up on each sub-unit individually. Learn more about accessing a sub-unit's settings.
  5. In the listing's menu, click Calendar. Then, select Smart calendar rules.
  6. Click Create a Smart Calendar Rule if you haven't created rules before. Otherwise, click New rule to create a new rule or Edit to edit an existing rule.
  7. Switch the toggle to the right of the rule you'd like to edit to Active/Inactive.
    To edit a rule's condition, click the relevant checkboxes in the rule's gray box.


You can activate/deactivate all rules by switching the toggle Activate all smart rules on/off at the top left of the page. In case you're inactivating all rules, in the popup window, select Deactivate all rules.

Deleting Smart Calendar Rules

Pro usersLite users

Step by step:

  1. Sign in to your Guesty account.
  2. In the top navigation bar, click the mode selector and select Operations mode.
  3. Click Properties.
  4. Click the relevant listing.
    If the listing is a multi-unit, click a sub-unit on the left-hand side first.
    Smart Calendar Rules must be deleted on each sub-unit individually. Learn more about accessing a sub-unit's settings.
  5. In the listing's menu, click Calendar. Then, select Smart calendar rules.
  6. Click Edit.
  7. Locate the relevant rule below. Then, click the trash icon to the right.
    You can deactivate the rule instead of deleting it, by switching the toggle to right to Inactive mode. Then, click Deactivate rule.
  8. Click Delete rule.
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