Use additional fees to charge guests for extra services, such as late check-out, laundry, or activities. Our new additional fees interface provides clear information on how a particular fee syncs with each of your connected channels, and includes the following customization options:
- Apply fee to specific channels only
- Change the fee price per channel
- Change how the fee appears on each channel
- Add the fee automatically and customize settings for specific reservation sources
Cleaning and extra person fees are considered basic fees, and can be edited under each listing.
Options to understand before starting
Fees need to be set up before they can be added to a reservation, they cannot be created in the process of making or editing a reservation. Learn more below about the options available before starting the creation process.
Select fee type
We provide a list of popular fee types, e.g. "pet", "additional bed", "early check-in".
The fee type is how the fee is presented throughout Guesty. This is what you see displayed in reservations reports, Accounting reports, owner statements, etc.
Each fee type can only be used once. If you'd like to create another fee of the same type, you must select a fee type that has not been used yet.
You've already created fee type Linens, named "extra linens". You would like to create a new fee specific for pool linens. Select a fee type that has not been used yet, e.g. "Additional charge" and name it "pool linens".
The fees will be appear to the guests as "extra linens" and "pool linens".
If you cannot find the specific fee type you want, or it has already been used, we have some general fees you can tailor to fit your needs, such as "VIP service", "activities", or "reservation fee".
How fee is calculated
Decide if the fee is a fixed amount or percentage, and how it is calculated. For example, fixed fees can be per guest or per stay, and percentage fees added to the total payout or accommodation fare only.
These settings create many combinations, but not all combinations are supported by all channels. This will be indicated during the fee creation process. See more information under "What fee combinations are supported?"
Channel notes and limitations
Additional fees cannot be deducted from the accommodation fare and do not apply for Airbnb reservations with a special offer.
A pet fee can only sync if the listing allows pets. Turn on the "Allow pets" toggle and "Charges may apply" under the listing's house rules.
A pet fee can only sync if the listing allows pets. Turn on the "Allow pets" toggle and "Charges may apply" under the listing's house rules.
Add new fee
If the fee is relevant for all or most of your listings, create it on the account level. If it is only relevant to specific listings, create it on the listing level.
For multi-unit listings, additional fees do not automatically sync from parent to sub-unit and must be set up on both levels.
Follow these steps to add a new fee on the account or listing level, depending on your needs, then continue with the process to create the settings and sync with channels.
- Sign in to your Guesty account.
- In the top navigation bar, click the mode selector and select Financials mode.
- Click Financial settings and select Additional fees.
- In the top-right corner, click Add fee.
- Sign in to your Guesty account.
- In the top navigation bar, click the mode selector and select Operations mode.
- Click Properties.
- Click the relevant listing. If the listing is a multi-unit, the fee must be set up on the parent and the sub-unit level.
- In the left-side menu, click Pricing & policies and select Additional fees.
- Toggle on Custom listing fees.
- Click Add custom listing fee.

Create fee settings
- Fee type: Select from the dropdown menu.
- Fee name: Enter a freeform name that is visible to guests if you set the fee as an upsell on your Guesty website.
Pricing conditions:
- Choose if the fee is a fixed amount or a percentage, and enter the amount. For example: $50, or 10%.
- Select how to apply the fee. For example: $50 per night, or 10% of accommodation fare.
- At the top right, click Next.
On the next two screens you will be guided through the options to sync fees to connected channels and other sources.
Add fee manually
If you only want to add the fee manually to all reservations regardless of the source, then keep the sync options deactivated. Skip through the next steps by clicking Next, then Done, to complete the fee creation process.
Sync fee to channels
Sync the fee to connected channels where available, for these channels to automatically include the fee in every reservation.
If you are using the Guesty booking engine, it is included as a channel.
After the fee is created, you can still add it manually to reservations from channels that cannot automatically sync fees.
- Toggle on Sync fee to channels.
- Review how the fee you created syncs with each of your connected channels, as shown in the grid above.
- Channels: Each of your connected channels that automatically syncs this fee.
- Fee type on channel: The fee type that will be visible to guests on each channel.
- Amount: The amount to charge guests.
- Include in fare: Option to include the fee in the accommodation fare so it is not visible to guests when booking.
Deduct from fare: Option to deduct the fee so that it appears as a separate line item from the accommodation fare in your guest folio and reports.
- This is internal only within Guesty and not visible to the guest.
- You can also choose to show the fee or not on the guest invoice.
- Customize your settings for the fee per channel as needed. See details below.
- At the top right, click Next.
Customize fee per channel
- Deactivate sync for a specific channel by toggling off the channel name
- Include the fee in the fare for the guest by checking the box for each channel. For Airbnb, the default is always "yes" and cannot be changed.
- Deduct the fee from the fare in internal reports by checking the box for each channel. For Airbnb, the default is always "yes" and cannot be changed.
Change the fee type that appears on a channel:
- Under "Edit" click
- In the pop-up, select a different fee type that is supported by that channel from the dropdown menu.
- Click Save.
- Under "Edit" click
Change the fee price for a channel:
- Under "Edit" click
- In the pop-up, select a different fee type that is supported by that channel from the dropdown menu.
- Click Save.
- Under "Edit" click
Sync fee to specific sources
You can sync the fee to manual reservations you create in Guesty that are from a specific source. The fee will automatically be included in every reservation made for that source.
- Click Add specific sources.
- Under "Select sources" select all, some, or one source from the dropdown menu.
- Keep the original amount and calculation, or change as needed.
- Click the tickboxes to activate:
- Include in fare: Option to include the fee in the accommodation fare so it is not visible to guests when booking.
- Deduct from fare: Option to deduct the fee so that it appears as a separate line item from the accommodation fare in your guest folio and reports. (This is internal only within Guesty and not visible to the guest.)
- Repeat for additional sources as needed.
- At the top right, click Done.
We recommend reading this to understand who collects the additional fee from the guest.
If you synced with channels , the additional fee will be automatically added to new reservations. If you want it to appear on reservations that already exist in Guesty, add it manually.