Who collects the additional fee from the guest?

When setting up additional fees, you determine how and when they are added to reservations. The below information explains who collects the additional fee based on the fee setup.

To determine who is responsible for collecting additional fees from the guest you need to check two things:

  • Does the channel know about the fee?

When you create a fee, you can sync it with booking channels, but only channels that support the fee will know it exists. The Guesty dashboard will clearly state which channels support the fee.

  • How are guest payments collected for the reservations?

Some booking channels never collect money from the guest, making you responsible for collecting reservation payments through Guesty ("hotel collect"). If the channel does collect money from the guest, they can do it on their own ("channel collect") or send us a virtual credit card with a prefilled amount to charge ("VCC").

Review the table below to understand the logic behind who collects additional fees based on the fee setup, and see if there is anything you need to do to make sure the money gets collected. If you want to know who is supposed to collect a specific fee, check its sync setting in Guesty and check if the channel is channel collect or VCC.


The below table provides details about the Sync fee to channels toggle, which is created for additional fees.

Pro users also have an Add fee to reservations from specific sources toggle:

  • Once activated, the auto payment rules cannot collect the payment for the additional fees for Vrbo. For Vrbo, the scheduled payments collect only the total payout synced to the channel.
  •   To understand the what fees are synced for the rest of the channel, check with them directly. 
"Sync fee to channels" toggle Does the booking channel support this fee and know about it?

Who collects the fee?

Off Irrelevant 

You collect the fee - get a credit card from the guest, and set up auto payments or collect the fee manually.

On Yes
  • Channel collect channels: You do not need to do anything. The channel will collect the fee.
  • VCC channels: You need to make sure the reservation has an auto payment for Guesty to charge the card.
  • Non-channel collect/VCC channels: You collect the fee - get a credit card from the guest, and set up auto payments or collect the fee manually.
On No (even if the Add fee to reservations from specific sources toggle is on)
  • VCC channels: You collect the fee manually (the auto payment you set up is only to make sure the card gets charged, but it will only include supported additional fees and reservation payments that are not related to additional fees).
  • All other channels (including channel collect): You collect the fee - get a credit card from the guest, and set up auto payments or collect the fee manually.
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