After creating an Expedia account, you can link your Expedia listings to their corresponding listings in Guesty. Your Expedia account isn't directly integrated with Guesty, only linked listings are connected. Publishing new listings from Guesty to Expedia is not currently supported.
Expedia and Vrbo are part of Expedia Group. Expedia prioritizes hotel-style accommodations, while Vrbo specializes in vacation rentals. Expedia redirects a vacation rental property type to the Vrbo platform to ensure listings are listed on the most suitable platform.
Before you begin
Complete the following steps before starting the integration:
- Activate your Expedia account: Ensure your Expedia account is active with at least one property listed.
- Set Guesty as PMS: Set Guesty as the Property Management System (PMS) on Expedia Partner Central. If you manage more than 20 properties, contact us for help with bulk setup.
- Create listings: Create the corresponding listings in Guesty. If you manage a complex on Expedia, ensure it’s also set up as a complex in Guesty.
Verify settings: Ensure all properties have the following settings in Expedia:
- Tax exclusive=true
- Tax inclusive=false
- Confirm currency settings: Contact your Expedia Account Manager or Expedia Support to ensure the currency in your Expedia account matches the currency in your Guesty listing. Update the currency in Guesty if needed.
Link an Expedia listing to Guesty
Follow these steps to link an Expedia listing to Guesty:
- Sign in to your Expedia account.
- From Expedia Partner Central, find the property ID (Hotel ID) for the property you want to link.
- Sign in to your Guesty account.
- In the top navigation bar, click the mode selector and select Growth mode.
- Click Distribution and select the Expedia thumbnail.
- Paste the Expedia property ID you copied earlier and click Next.
- Match the Expedia listing to the corresponding Guesty listing. If the listing is a complex, select the relevant Guesty listing or click Create new.
- Click Connect.
- Click Next and select either a rate plan or a cancellation policy. You must assign one, even if you already have a rate plan on Expedia.
- Click Link property to Guesty.
Set up your Guesty integration email on Expedia to receive messages directly in your Guesty Inbox.
Learn more about forwarding guest communication from Expedia to Guesty.
It may take up to 30 minutes for the listing to update on Expedia. You'll still need to manage certain aspects from Expedia.
- Listings not linked to Guesty will be deactivated on Expedia until linked.
- Each listing must have an active rate plan or cancellation policy to be bookable.
Add fees in Expedia
After linking properties between Guesty and Expedia, add required fees as follows:
- Rate plan level fees: Add these fees after linking with Guesty to ensure they are included in the guest's total rate. Adding them before linking may reset rate plans, causing fees to be excluded. See how to set up a cleaning fee for instructions.
- Property level fees: These fees can be added at anytime as they are unaffected by the syncing process. They're collected upon the guest's arrival.
Manage pre-existing Expedia reservations
Pre-existing reservations and blocked dates don’t automatically import from Expedia to Guesty. To ensure accurate tracking and prevent double bookings, manually create these reservations to block the dates in Guesty.