You can add a cleaning Fee to a listing at any time. Once added, it will apply to new reservations automatically. Follow the instructions below.
To charge more than one cleaning fee, for example a mid-stay cleaning, you can create an additional fee.
Channel notes and limitations
To set different values for each channel individually, click "Set specific cleaning fees for each booking channel". Choose the relevant channel from the drop-down and fill in the relevant details.
When editing an Airbnb cleaning Fee, ensure that the amount does not exceed their maximum cleaning fee of 600 USD + 25% of the nightly price. Airbnb's minimum cleaning fee is 5 USD. Due to conversion rounding, for all other currencies, the minimum is 6 USD.
For listings connected to Agoda, edit the cleaning fee in both Guesty and in the channel's account dashboard, ensuring they have matching values.
For linked listings, edit the cleaning fee in both Guesty and in the Extranet.
For published listings, edit the cleaning fee in Guesty and it will sync to the Extranet.
The cleaning fee is not synced and must be added or edited in Expedia.
Add or edit a cleaning fee
Step by step:
- Sign in to your Guesty account.
- In the top navigation bar, click the mode selector and select Operations mode.
- Click Properties.
- Click the relevant listing.
- If the listing is a multi-unit, you can manage this feature via the multi-unit's main unit, and the settings will apply to all its sub-units. Alternatively, you can configure the settings for a specific sub-unit. Click the main unit or the specific sub-unit.
- In the listing's menu, click Pricing & policies and select Pricing.
- In the "Basic fees" section, click the pencil icon/Edit.
- Locate the "Cleaning fee" section, and under "Default value", click the arrow to the left and choose if the fee should be a fixed amount or percentage. You can enter the relevant number by hand or use the arrows to the right.
- To the right, choose how the fee should be calculated, for example, "Per night" or "Per guest".
- At the top of the page, click Save.
Step by step:
- Sign in to your Guesty account.
- In the top navigation bar, click Listings.
- Click the relevant listing.
- In the listing's menu, click Pricing & policies and select Pricing.
- In the "Basic fees" section, click Edit.
- Locate the "Cleaning fee" section, and under "Default value", click the arrow to the left and choose if the fee should be a fixed amount or percentage. You can enter the relevant number by hand or use the arrows to the right.
- To the right, choose how the fee should be calculated, for example, "Per night" or "Per guest".
- At the top of the page, click Save.