To receive messages from booking channels in Guesty, you must have two types of email addresses set up: an integration email and a forwarding email.
- The integration email address is a unique email that enables you to manage your communication with guests in Guesty and syncs reservation-related notifications from booking channels.
- The forwarding email address is the email that receives account-related emails (e.g., password reset emails, messages from their support team, etc.) sent by the booking channel.
Integration email address
When you link a booking channel with your Guesty account you can choose a custom Guesty integration email address ending in, provided it’s available.
For some booking channels, the integration email address is automatically set up when you link the booking channel account with Guesty. For other booking channels, you may need to manually configure the integration email after completing the integration process.
Forwarding email address
Once you set up your integration email address, you can add or edit your forwarding address in Guesty. This ensures that messages from the booking channel are delivered to your Guesty Inbox and forwarded to the email address you’ve configured. Forwarded messages will be sent from If no forwarding email address is set up, messages will be sent to the email address associated with your Guesty account.
Your integration email address cannot be used as your forwarding email address. Attempting to do so may cause issues such as duplicate messages appearing in your Guesty Inbox.
Integration with booking channels
When integrating with any of these booking channels, follow instructions below:
Agoda (Pro users only)
Set your integration email address as your primary email on Agoda. -
As of September 2023, the integration email is no longer required when setting up a connection with -
Expedia (Pro users only)
After linking at least one listing within the Expedia integration, Guesty automatically generates your integration email address. Follow Expedia's instructions for creating a new user where you will manually add your integration email to complete the set up.To ensure you receive all messages:
- Under "Role selection" choose Guest experience user/Reservation manager.
- Under "Guest Messages" toggle on Email.
Rentals United (Pro users only)
Your integration email is allocated to you when you link Rentals United with Guesty. You must update the integration email in Rentals United manually and ensure that it is set in every field of communication on the Rentals United dashboard. Additionally, you must change your email address to your Guesty integration email in all relevant accounts and listings for every channel connected to Rentals United. This change must be done in each channel separately, and not via Rentals United.
You can find the information you need as follows:
Email to use: Your integration email
Recipients: Your forwarding email
Username: Your username used to login to your Rental United account -
In your Vrbo "Account Information", add your integration email to the "Email 2" field and your forwarding email address to the "Email 3" field. Check that the integration email address is also entered in the "Contacts" section of each property.
Locate your integration email address
Follow the instructions below to locate your integration email address.
Step by step:
- Sign in to your Guesty account.
- In the top navigation bar, click the mode selector and select Growth mode.
- Click Distribution.
- Click the relevant booking channel thumbnail.
- Next to the relevant account click to open the account settings.
- In the pop-up window, the integration email address is displayed in the "Custom integration email" field.
Expedia: Click in the top left corner to open the account settings. Your integration email address is found next to “Expedia Partner Central”.
Step by step:
(For Vrbo only)
If you connected to Vrbo after 19 Feb 24:
- Sign in to your Guesty account.
- In the top navigation bar, click Channels and select Vrbo.
- At the top right of the account, click Messaging settings.
- in the pop-up the email address is displayed in the first field.
If you connected to Vrbo before 19 Feb 24:
- Sign in to your Guesty account.
- In the top navigation bar, click Channels and select Vrbo.
- Click the relevant Vrbo account.
- Next to the relevant account, click .
- In the pop-up the email address is displayed in the "Guesty communication email" field.
You can customize your integration email so that messages sent to guests reflect a private domain. Learn more about changing your sending email address for branding purposes.
If you update your integration email, send a new message to guests from the Guesty Inbox. This will ensure that the email address associated with the booking channel is updated and all future guest communication is received as expected.