Customizing the owner statement template

We offer two versions of the owner statement template:    

  • Current version: Provides general, listing, and owner transaction summaries on separate pages
  • Updated version: Provides line item details organized per reservation in a continuous flow, plus additional customization options

The updated version will continue to be enhanced. You can switch to it at any time, following the steps below.


The template you choose will be used for your entire account. You cannot choose one template for some listings and the other template for the rest of your listings.

Current version

See below to understand how information is provided in the current version.

Current version structure

The current version of the owner statement is comprised of three separate pages/summaries.

General summary

Each general summary presents the initial balance and ending balance:

  • Initial balance: The balance that was in the owner's account at the beginning of the month in question. 
  • Ending balance: What is left in the owner account after adding and subtracting the different transactions that took place during the month in question, such as those listed below.

All other items that may appear in the general summary depend on the transactions that took place during the month in question:

  • Rental income: The total rental income transactions for that month.
  • Supplies and purchases: Expenses to be paid by the owner during that month.
  • Management fee: The PMC commission for that month.
  • Minimum account balance: A reserve of money left in the account, as defined between the owner and the PMC  in their contract agreement. Known as the "working capital" in the Owner's Portal.
  • Payment to owner: Payments you posted to the owner. 
  • Payment due to the owner: The amount owed to the owner, calculated as the ending balance minus working capital. The ending balance is determined by adding earnings to the initial balance and subtracting charges. Note that this amount reflects what is owed, not the owner's monthly revenue, which is shown separately in the Owner Portal. 


The initial balance of an owner statement represents the ending balance of the previous month's owner statement. If an owner was not paid the previous month, there will be an initial balance for the next month. We are able to zero out this initial balance, but it is your responsibility to account for this action as it can create a discrepancy in the owner statement if the owner is not paid.

Listing summary

At the top is a summary of the income due to the owner for a specific property. Below this is a breakdown of transactions for that listing that occurred during the month in question. The summary includes:

  • Transaction date
  • Transaction category
  • Description of the transaction
  • Amount of the transaction
  • Management Fee
  • VAT
  • Net amount of Transaction

Owner transactions summary

The Owner Transactions Summary displays transactions that are not connected to specific listings, but rather transactions between the owner and the PMC. Transactions shown in this section include manual transactions created by the PMC via adding a transaction. The summary includes:

  • Transaction date
  • Transaction category
  • Description of the transaction
  • Amount of the transaction
  • Management Fee
  • VAT
  • Net amount of transaction

Updated version

Enhancements for the updated version include the following, with more upgrades planned in the future.

  • Continuous flow of information rather than separate pages for different parts of the the owner statement
  • Detailed reservation breakdown: Net rental income is displayed by a single value but all other transactions are displayed as single line items.

  • Detailed reservation information: The reservation dates of stay and number of nights appear in the reservation header.
  • Reservation information and expense information are provided in separate sections.

  • For tasks with an associated expense, a shortened task ID along with the task name is displayed:

Switch to updated version

To use and customize the updated statement template, follow the steps below.

Step by step:

  1. Sign in to your Guesty account.
  2. In the top navigation bar, click the mode selector and select Accounting mode.
  3. Click Owner accounting, then select Owner statements.
  4. At the top right, click Customize statements.
  5. Under "Statement templates", select Updated version.
  6. Template settings: Toggle on or off the options to customize the information included in your owner statements.
    • Owner VAT identification number
    • PMC VAT identification number
    • Generation date
    • Owner address
    • Reservation dates
    • Reservation duration
    • Guest name
    • Attachments: Include files attached to the journal entries, such as receipts
    • Reservation confirmation code
    • Transactions with zero amount to the owner: Include fees that do not impact the owner
    • Statement with zero amount to the owner: Create statements for owners even when no income has been generated
    • Working capital on hand: Include the surplus revenue that is used to incur expenses
  7. Click Save.
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