Customizing the owner statement template

Guesty has added a new owner statement template, which is available in addition to the current owner statement template

We have also added enhancements to both versions of the owner statement template that allow you to customize for your business and owner needs. All new features are currently in beta. Learn more below.

New owner statement template

The new owner statement template enhancements include the following, with more upgrades planned in the future.

  • Continuous flow of information rather than separate pages for different parts of the the owner statement
  • More detailed reservation breakdown: Net rental income will be displayed by a single value but all other transactions will display as a single line item. Example: Pet Fees

  • More detailed reservation information: The reservation dates of stay and number of nights have been added to the reservation header.
  • Reservation information and expense information are provided in separate sections.

  • For tasks with an associated expense, a shortened task id along with the task name will be displayed:

To use and customize the new owner statement template, follow the steps below.


The template you choose will be used for your entire account. You cannot choose one template for some listings and the other template for the rest of your listings.

Step by step:

    1. Sign in to your Guesty account.
    2. In the top navigation bar, click the mode selector and select Accounting mode.
    3. Click Owner accounting, then select Owner statements.
    4. At the top right, click Customize statements.
    5. Under "Statement templates", select Updated version.
    6. Template Settings: Turn the following toggles on or off to customize the information included in your Owner Statements.
      • Attachments: Include files attached to the journal entries, such as receipts
      • Transactions with zero amount to the owner: Include fees that do not impact the owner
      • Working capital on hand: Include the surplus revenue that is used to incur expenses
      • Guest name: Include the guest name
      • Statement with zero amount to the owner: Create statements for owners even when no income has been generated
    7. Click Save.

Applying brands to the owner statement (New and current template)

If you manage several brands, you can set up brands and assign listings to each. Owner statements for listings that are assigned to a brand will display the company information and logo as defined in the brand setup. 

If a listing is not associated with a brand, or if there are multiple listings associated with different brands in one statement, the default contact details and logo will be displayed.

Owner statement language translation (New and current template)

If an owner profile is set with one of the following languages, the owner statement will be translated from English to:

  • Spanish
  • Italian
  • French
  • Portuguese
  • Brazilian Portuguese

By default the owner statement will use the language selected in the owner profile. If the owner's language is not one of the supported listed above, the statement will continue to be generated in English.

If you would like previous statements translated into one of the supported languages, you can regenerate a past owner statement.

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