Guesty's owner management features allow you to effectively manage communication with property owners, oversee owner stays, and handle payments (for Accounting users).
Creating a new owner
- Owners can only have one email address registered on Guesty per account
- Contact us to create owner profiles in bulk.
Follow the instructions to create a new owner.
Step by step:
- Sign in to your Guesty account.
- In the top navigation bar, click the mode selector and select Operations mode.
- Click Owners.
- In the top right, click New owner.
- Enter the relevant information. The owner's first name, last name and email are mandatory.
- Click + Assign properties to assign properties to the owner.
In the sidebar, check the boxes for the properties you want to assign and click Done.
You can assign and unassign properties at any time.
- To activate the Owners Portal and send an invitation to the owner, switch the toggle on.
The default portal settings will be applied to the Owners Portal. You can customize these settings from the "Portal settings" tab from the owners profile.
- Click Add owner at the top right.
The owner is added and you will be redirected to the owner profile where you can manage your owner.
Editing an owner
After creating an owner in Guesty, you can add or update information relating to the owner from their owner profile. You can store helpful details about your owners, such as birthdays and partnership anniversaries, as well as key business data, such as an owner's commission and payout details. You can also delete an owner at any time.
To access an owner, click on the "Owners" tab from the top navigation bar and select the relevant owner on the page. You will be redirected to the owner profile where you can edit the relevant fields, such as:
Preferred language: Applies to the Owners Portal and emails sent to the owner. Owners can also change their preferred language from the "My Profile" page within their portal.
Certain languages are supported for translation of the owner statements.
Notes: Notes are only visible to you; the owner will not be able to see your notes.
To add a note, click + Add note. Enter the note and click Save.
To update a note, click Edit and then click Save. A note is not initially mandatory, however once a note is saved, it can't be left empty. If you want to remove a note, use a period or a space to create an empty note.
- Properties: Learn more about assigning owners and listings.
Payout details: Click + Add payout method to enter the owner's bank details. Click Save.
Learn more about saving an owner's bank details.
Deleting an owner
If a new owner is taking over the property or if you're no longer managing the property, you can delete an owner if needed. If you're no longer managing the property, you must remove both the property and the relevant owner.
- Accounting users: In order to maintain the integrity and history of journal entries, transactions, reports, and owner statements, deleting owners is strongly discouraged.
- Before deleting an owner, be sure to cancel all owner stays with future check-in dates. If you delete the owner before canceling their future stays, you will not be able to cancel the stays and they will continue to block your calendar.
- You can't delete an owner until you first unassign an owner from all listings via the "Properties" page.
Pilot users must also remove an owner from fractional ownership before attempting to delete an owner.
- Deleting an owner means they will be permanently deleted from the Guesty platform. Once the owner profile has been deleted, it can't be recovered. If you'd like to remove an owner from a listing, you can unassign the owner from the listing via the owner's profile or the listing's settings.
To delete an owner click Delete owner at the bottom of the owner profile.