Pilot: Assigning fractional ownership to properties

Fractional ownership allows multiple individuals or entities to share ownership of a single property, each holding a defined percentage stake. You can assign multiple owners to the same property, to ensure accurate management of financial and ownership data within Guesty. Ownership details are integrated into both Accounting reports and the Owner Portal.


For Accounting users only: Changes made to property ownership apply to newly created reservations only. To apply the changes to existing reservations, reprocess the reservations. Learn more about how fractional ownership appears in Accounting

Follow the instructions below to assign a property to multiple owners.

Step by step:

  1. Sign in to your Guesty account.
  2. In the top navigation bar, click the mode selector and select Operations mode.
  3. Click Properties.
  4. Select the relevant property.
  5. In the left-side menu under “Details & layout”, click Owner & license.
  6. In the "Property owner" section, click Edit.
  7. Select an owner from the dropdown menu.
  8. Click + Assign owner to add additional owners.
    • To change an owner, select a different owner from the dropdown menu.
    • To add a new owner not yet listed, select + Create new owner from the dropdown menu. Enter the relevant details and click Add owner. Confirm the action in the popup.
  9. Under “Owners share”, enter the percentage or use the up and down arrows to adjust each owner's share of the property. Ensure the total percentage adds up to 100%.
  10. Click Save.
    An error will occur if the owner percentages do not total 100%.

Remove an owner from fractional ownership

To remove an owner from fractional ownership, reduce the owner’s share percentage is 0% and adjust the remaining owner’s shares to total 100%. Click Trash icon to remove the owner.

To delete an owner completely, you must first remove them from all fractional ownership assignments.

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