Getting started with owner statements

Accounting by Guesty is a premium feature available to Pro users only. Please contact us to discuss activating it.

What is an owner statement?

An owner statement provides a summary of transactions regarding a specific owner for the calendar month before the statement was generated. For example, if an owner statement is generated in May, it summarizes transactions that happened in April. The statement includes the income from all reservations, expenses paid by the owner, and payments that you posted to the owner.

How can I start using owner statements?

Owner statements are set up as part of the Accounting onboarding process. You must also set up your business models to start using owner statements.

Once set up, statements are generated automatically and you can send statements to their respective owners. You can preview statements, approve them if they are accurate, or flag them for further review if they are inaccurate. 

If changes are made that are supposed to affect a statement after it was already generated, such as a change in the business model, you can regenerate it and review it one more time before approving it.

When is the owner statement auto generated?

The owner statement is automatically run on the 1st of the month, unless you selected a different date during the onboarding process with Accounting. If you would like to change the auto generation date at a later time, please contact us.

Owner statement template setup

During the onboarding process with Accounting, you determine the template set-up for how transactions are displayed.

The template you select is used for your entire account.  If you want to change between "default" and "credit/debit" at a later point, you must contact us.

Default template

For each transaction, the default template shows:
  • The amount, which is the owner's gross income from the transaction. This is the accommodation fare plus any additional income related to the owner for this reservation. Based on how the business model is set up, this can include the cleaning fee and guest taxes, or channel commission.
  • The management fee, which is what the owner pays you for the transaction, i.e., your commission.
  • The net, which is the owner's net income from the transaction, i.e., the gross income minus the management fee and VAT, if it's paid by the owner.

Credit/debit template

For each transaction, the credit/debit template only shows amounts related to the owner, i.e., how much they received (credit) and how much they paid (debit). It does not show how much you, the PMC, received.

Customize owner statement template

We offer two version of the owner statement template:

  • Current version: Provides general, listing, and owner transaction summaries on separate pages
  • Updated version: Provides line item details organized per reservation in a continuous flow, plus additional customization options

The updated version will continue to be enhanced. You can switch to it at any time. See more details comparing the two versions and steps to switch here.

Apply brands to the owner statement

If you manage several brands, you can set up brands and assign listings to each. Owner statements for listings that are assigned to a brand will display the company information and logo as defined in the brand setup. 

If a listing is not associated with a brand, or if there are multiple listings associated with different brands in one statement, the default contact details and logo will be displayed.

Owner statement language translation

If an owner profile is set with one of the following languages, the owner statement will be translated from English to:

  • Spanish
  • Italian
  • French
  • Portuguese
  • Brazilian Portuguese

By default the owner statement will use the language selected in the owner profile. If the owner's language is not one of the supported listed above, the statement will continue to be generated in English.

If you would like previous statements translated into one of the supported languages, you can regenerate a past owner statement.

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