The Inbox widget

With Guesty's Inbox widget, you can view and edit reservation details while maintaining complete access to guest communication.

The widget displays the reservation details of your current conversation. Select a new conversation, and all sections of the widget will update accordingly.

To access the Inbox widget, click the Inbox icon in the top menu of your Guesty account and select Guests Inbox from the dropdown menu. The widget will appear to the right of your screen. See the different sections of the widget below.


Some booking channels do not allow for the edit of specific details. Fields that can be edited are clickable or feature a dropdown icon next to them.


Reservation the reservation widget

Click this icon to view reservation details. At the top of the widget, click the expand iconto open the guest's reservation in Guesty or click the pencil icon to make edits, if relevant. See below some actions that can be taken in the widget's Reservation section.


  • If the guest has multiple reservations, you will see an arrow next to the confirmation code at the top of the widget. Click the arrow to select the relevant reservation from the dropdown.
  • The reservations are sorted by their confirmation date, with the most recently confirmed reservation appearing at the top.
  • The most recently confirmed reservation will be the default reservation used in the conversation thread.


Operations the tasks icon

Click this icon to view all tasks related to the reservation and its status. The operations widget is integrated into the inbox, reservation page, and tasks reports. At the top of the widget, click the expand icon to open the relevant reservation in Guesty.


Listing  the listing icon

Click this icon to view listing details, such as name, address, and amenities. Scroll down to see additional information. At the top of the widget, click the expand icon to open the relevant listing in Guesty.


Guests the guests icon

Click this icon to view guest details. At the top of the widget, click the Pencil icon to make edits, if relevant. See below some actions that can be taken in the Widget's Guests section.


Automated Messages the automated messages icon

Click this icon to view the reservation's automated messages. Sent messages appear under "History" and upcoming messages appear under "Scheduled". This section appears once a reservation is confirmed, and displays messages that are sent to guests, not users or contacts. You can also disable automated messages for a guest reservation.

Expired messages can be seen in the under "History". They will have a black and white X and will read "Expired" when you hover over it.

Beta users: The automated messages widget displays the message status based on its conditions under the "Scheduled" tab and the "History" tab as described below.

Click the expand icon to navigate to the message automation where the message originated.

  • Under the "Scheduled" tab, a blue "Conditions" label indicates messages with conditions, while a yellow "Waiting" label indicates that the schedule time has passed and the message is waiting for conditions to be met. Hover over the label to see the conditions set for the message.
  • Under the "History" tab, sent messages are marked with and messages not sent are marked as "expired" or "failed". Hover over the label to view the explanation.


If a reservation has no automated messages scheduled to be sent, the toggle at the top of this section in the widget, above "Scheduled" and "History", will be turned off. It will turn on once a message is added to the reservation.

Click this icon to see services near the listing's property that could be useful to you or your guests.

Guesty will generate a URL for each site based on the property's location you input in the listing.
The following are what each link can be used for:

  • Google Maps
    This provides the exact location and can be used for directions to the property.
  • Yelp
    This provides restaurants in the area of your property.
  • Dark Sky
    This connection/link is currently unavailable.
  • Parkopedia
    This provides information on parking, pricing, and availability in the area of your property. This includes parking lots, parking garages, parking meters, free parking, and more.
  • UBER Fare Estimator
    This is a price comparison site for different Uber services (UberX, Uber Black, etc.). The guest can enter their starting and ending location, and get instant results for the current prices for each relevant Uber service.

To the right of each link, click the expand icon to open the relevant website.


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