Where to manage Vrbo data per connection type

When you connect your Vrbo listings to Guesty, the associated data is synced between Guesty and Vrbo. All Guesty Pro accounts use full sync. In Guesty Lite, the connection type depends on when the connection was made. This article explains how to identify whether you have a full sync or a limited sync connection type and the differences between them.

Full sync

With full sync, Guesty acts as the System of Record (SOR) for Vrbo. All listing and reservation data is managed in Guesty and automatically syncs with Vrbo. Sync times can take between one and 24 hours as follows:

Within 1 hour

Within 24 hours

  • Pricing
  • Minimum nights
  • Calendar availability
  • Financial settings
  • Photos
  • Descriptions
  • Amenities
  • Reservation changes, such as dates, occupancy, and cancellations.
  • Other listing content
    Listing changes on a reservation will not appear in Guesty, but will be applied internally on Vrbo.

If data is not synced it could mean the change was made in Vrbo. In this case, you should make the relevant updates in Guesty. In other cases, wait 24 hours for synchronization to display.

Limited sync

Limited sync is exclusive to certain Lite users, depending on when the connection was made.

With limited sync, Guesty partially manages pricing and availability, while most other actions are performed directly in Vrbo. Changes made in one platform can take up to one hour to sync with the other. 

Identify your connection type (Lite users only)

To identify your connection type, compare your Vrbo integration page with the images below. Click on an image to enlarge it. 

Full sync

Limited sync

Lite users with full sync enabled:

Lite users with limited sync enabled:

Manage your data according to connection type 

Refer to the list below to determine where to manage data based on your connection type. 

Full sync Limited sync

Full sync

Type of data Where to manage it

Advanced settings


Guest communication 

for confirmed reservations


Ensure message sync is enabled in Guesty for accurate communication with guests who book via Vrbo.

House rules


Note: House rules longer than 150 characters are cut off when syncing to Vrbo.

Learn more about setting the listing's house rules.

Listing address

You can set your listing address in Guesty upon the initial publish. 

After the initial publish, make changes in Vrbo.

Learn more about changing a listing address after the initial connection.

Listing currency

Vrbo and Guesty

The currency is set up as part of the account connection process and does't sync. To change the currency, first contact Vrbo to change this in your Vrbo account, and then contact us to make the change in Guesty.

Listing management

including listing updates such as photos, descriptions, amenities


Pricing & availability

including minimum nights and financial settings


Registration/license numbers


In Vrbo it is a requirement to add your property license number. Update these details directly in Vrbo in order to publish your listings.

Adding the registration/license number in Guesty is optional.

Reservation changes/updates

including reservation status


Reservation cancellations




Taxes & fees


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