Guesty offers several ways to disable a listing you’re not renting for the long run, such as when the property is undergoing renovation, or when you are no longer managing it. Learn more about the different ways you can disable a listing in this article.
Alternatively, you can block the listing for specified periods. Learn more about utilizing availability tools to control when a listing can be booked.
When a listing is “listed” in a booking channel, the listing is searchable and bookable in the channel. You can list or unlist a listing in Guesty to update all connected channels, or list or unlist the listing directly in the relevant channel to update a specific channel.
You can unlist the listing to “pause” it from being available to bookings, for example, if the property is temporarily undergoing maintenance. Unlisting a listing won’t stop billing for it in Guesty and you can still create manual reservations or block an unlisted listing’s calendar. Also, when a listing is unlisted, the listing remains connected to booking channels, guest messages continue to sync to Guesty, and updates to the listing settings continue to sync between Guesty and the channel.
Unlist the listing via Guesty only if the listing remains activated, and you plan to relist it in the future. Otherwise, consider deactivating the listing, and then unlisting it directly in the relevant booking channel.
You can deactivate a listing in Guesty if you want to stop billing for it temporarily.
To avoid billing for a specific month, deactivate the listing before the end of the previous month. If a listing is deactivated in the middle of the month, you’ll still be billed for the full month. Confirmed reservations made before deactivating the listing will be billed, regardless of the check-in date.
A deactivated listing won’t be unlisted from booking channels. A deactivated listing continues to be available for booking in channels, but updates from the channel don’t sync to Guesty and new bookings don’t appear in the calendar. However, updates still sync from Guesty to the channel. The deactivated listing is removed from the Multi-Calendar, and any automations you set in Guesty (such as Smart Calendar Rules) are removed. Also, existing reservations cannot be updated in Guesty.
A listing can be suspended or paused by Airbnb if it violates Airbnb’s Trust and Safety concerns or other policies. In this case, the listing remains active and connected in Guesty, and billing for it continues. The listing won't be bookable on Airbnb but will be shown as listed in Guesty. Contact Airbnb Support for further assistance.
Deactivating a listing removes its data from Guesty Analytics. To continue seeing data for this listing, unlist the listing instead, and keep it active.
A disconnected listing refers to a listing with a “Not connected” status on the channel’s integration page in Guesty. When a listing is disconnected, data doesn’t sync between Guesty and the channel, including reservations, guest messages, and updates to listing settings.
However, a disconnected listing remains active in the channel and in Guesty, and billing for it continues.
You must disconnect the listing from all channels before being able to delete it.
A disconnected listing can be reconnected at a later time via the integration page. For some channels, such as Airbnb and, you can permanently remove a disconnected listing from the channel’s integration page.
When deleting a listing, it is permanently removed from Guesty and you’ll stop being billed for it. This can be relevant, for example, when you stop managing the property. The listing and its associated reservations will appear blank in your Guesty invoice (as opposed to when deactivating it).
All data related to the listing is permanently deleted from Guesty, and this cannot be undone.
Before deleting the listing, disconnect it from all connected channels.
Deleting a listing is not recommended for Accounting users.
Unavailable by default
You can set a listing to be unavailable by default, and also add specific rental periods in which bookings can be made.