Charging GuestyPay or Stripe processing fee to PMC or owner

Accounting by Guesty is a premium feature available to Pro users only. Please contact us to discuss activating it.

If you are using GuestyPay or Stripe as a payment processor, you can automatically allocate the related processing fee commission expense to the owner or the PMC. Follow the steps below to update your business model and add a recurring charge or expense.

Note about GuestyPay

Accounting users can take advantage of using Guesty's own payment processor and eliminate the manual work required to track the processing fees associated with all payment processors.

For GuestyPay credit card commissions, Guesty will receive the exact amount of the commission expense per transaction and can assign the commission expense to either the owner or the PMC. This journal entry logs the commission expense automatically in the cash account so it can be grouped along with other transactions that have been batched together and deposited into the PMC's bank account.

Automate processing fee expense distribution


The recurring charge or expense needs to be added to all business models.

Charge to Owner

  1. In the relevant business model, scroll down to the trust account section.
  2. Click Trust account income.
  3. To the right, click Add recurring owner charge.
  4. Under "Amount to charge", in the "Per" field select GustyPay payment or Stripe payment from the dropdown.

  5. Value:
    1. If Stripe was selected, enter the relevant % or flat amount. 
    2. GuestyPay processing fee transactions will be created one day after the charge is made.
  6. Recognition: Automatically set to "Upon payment".
  7. Scroll down and click Add.

Charge to PMC

  1. In the relevant business model, scroll down to the trust account section.
  2. Click Trust account expenses.
  3. To the right, click Add recurring expense.
  4. Under "Expense to add", in the "Per" field select GustyPay payment or Stripe payment from the dropdown.

  5. Value:
    1. If Stripe was selected, enter the relevant % or flat amount. 
    2. GuestyPay processing fee transactions will be created one day after the charge is made.
  6. Recognition: Automatically set to "Upon payment".
  7. Scroll down and click Add.
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