When you link your listings, there are some cases when the connection fails. In these cases, the listing status will display "Failed". Below are the types of errors you may encounter and how to resolve them.
Country name missing content
Error message displayed |
Explanation/resolution |
Country name missing content element |
The name of the listing country is listed differently in Guesty than in Booking.com. Please contact us for assistance. |
Hotel doesn't have room rates
Error message displayed |
Explanation/resolution |
Hotel doesn't have room rates |
If you receive this error message, confirm that Guesty is the connectivity provider for the listing. Follow the instructions below to check this on Booking.com:
Listing's postal code is incorrect
Error message displayed |
Explanation/resolution |
Listing's postal code is incorrect |
The listing's postal code does not correspond with the country in which the listing is located. Follow the troubleshooting steps below to resolve the issue.
Attempt to link the listing again. |
Rate x on room x is not RLO
Error message displayed |
Explanation/resolution |
Rate x on room x is not RLO |
Contact Booking.com support for assistance. |
Room Type
Error message displayed |
Explanation/resolution |
When Room[@RoomType=x], the room must contain more than 1 bed (Amenity[@AmenityCode]) |
Check your listing settings according the hotel, room and bed types supported by Guesty and update your listing accordingly. If you still encounter issues after updating the settings, consider changing the property or room type. |
RoomType: Invalid RoomTypeCode: xxx |
Set Guesty as your PMS in Booking.com
Error message displayed |
Explanation/resolution |
Set Guesty as your PMS in Booking.com |
If you receive this error message, check that the property ID is correct and that Guesty is confirmed as the channel manager in your Booking.com account. Follow the instructions below to check this on Booking.com:
If Guesty is not set as your listing's connectivity provider, follow these instructions. Please contact us if you require further assistance. |