A Legal Entity Identifier (LEID) is a unique legal identity number assigned to every Booking.com account and required for operation. Without an LEID, you will not be able to link listings between Guesty and Booking.com.
In the past, Booking.com did not require an LEID. Now, every new Booking.com account will have an LEID assigned to it, and existing accounts receive LEID numbers retroactively. If your Booking.com account was connected to Guesty before receiving an LEID, this LEID information was not automatically imported into Guesty.
You can find your LEID on the Booking.com integration page in Guesty.
If you don't see an LEID for a Booking.com account in Guesty, contact us to update the LEID. Alternatively, you can reconnect the Booking.com account and the LEID will be automatically imported into Guesty. When you reconnect a Booking.com account with an LEID, it will be stored as a new account on the integration page.
To move listings from a non-LEID account to an LEID account in Guesty, disconnect and reconnect the listing.