If you disconnect a listing between Guesty and Booking.com, you can reconnect it via the Booking.com integration dashboard in Guesty.
The reconnect process is only available when the listing's status is "Disconnected" and can only be initiated using the "Reconnect" button at a row level within the Booking.com integration dashboard in Guesty. It cannot be triggered by any other means.
Follow the instructions to reconnect a disconnected listing.
Before you begin:
- Ensure Guesty is set up as the connectivity provider for the listing.
- You can only reconnect the listing to the same Booking.com account it was disconnected from. Reconnecting to a different Booking.com account is not possible.
- The reconnect option is only applicable within the same Guesty account. It is not possible to reconnect a listing from one Guesty account to another.
- If you disconnect a listing in Guesty, the room will disappear from the Booking.com Extranet and cannot be recovered from Booking.com or Guesty.
Step by step:
- Sign in to your Guesty account.
- In the top navigation bar, click the mode selector and select Growth mode.
- Click Distribution.
- Click the Booking.com thumbnail.
- Select the relevant account.
- Next to the relevant listing, under the "Status" select Reconnect from the dropdown menu.
- In the popup, click Yes.
The reconnection process will be triggered provided Guesty is set up as the connectivity provider for the listing.
If Guesty is not the connectivity provider for the listing, a Booking.com widget will open within Guesty prompting you to log in to the Booking.com Extranet. Upon successful login, you will be able to set up Guesty as the connectivity provider for the listing. Following this, return to step 1 to reconnect the disconnected listing.
Step by step:
- Sign in to your Guesty account.
- In the top menu, click Channels.
- Select Booking.com.
- Next to the relevant account, under "Connection status" select Reconnect from the dropdown menu.
- In the popup, click Reconnect.
The reconnection process will be triggered provided Guesty is set up as the connectivity provider for the listing.
If Guesty is not the connectivity provider for the listing, you will be redirected to log in to the Booking.com Extranet. Upon successful login, you will be able to set up Guesty as the connectivity provider for the listing. Following this, return to step 1 to reconnect the disconnected listing.
The status will change to “Pending” and then either “Connected” if the reconnection is successful, or “Failed” along with a relevant error message if the reconnection is not successful. The error message will provide instructions on what needs to be done to address the issue. After resolving the issue, try to reconnect the disconnected listing again.
The reconnect process is not immediate. Contact us if the listing remains "Pending" for more than 3 days.
Pro users: You can also remove the listing from Booking.com and Guesty, create it again in Guesty, and then publish it to Booking.com. This published listing will have a new Hotel ID on Booking.com.