Blocking connected listings automatically with Smart Calendar Rules

Connect multiple listings using Smart Calendar Rules to ensure that when a guest books one property, connected listings are automatically blocked for the same dates. This is useful when the properties share a utility, such as a balcony or a common area, to ensure that both listings cannot be booked separately by different guests for the same time.

Using Smart Calendar Rules to block connected listings prevents double bookings and ensures accurate availability across properties.

A Smart Calendar Rule can be a one-way or a two-way rule. A one-way rule blocks Listing B when a reservation (or a manual block) is assigned to Listing A, but not vice versa. A two-way rule blocks one listing when another is blocked, regardless of which of them is blocked.

By default, Smart Calendar Rules apply to reservations received after the rules are set and don't affect existing reservations. Likewise, when you deactivate or reactivate a rule, the change applies only to future reservations. Rules can be set to apply retroactively.

Smart Calendar Rules can be triggered by confirmed reservations, owner reservations, and manual blocks, including preparation time blocks.

Follow the instructions to create, edit, or delete Smart Calendar Rules.

Create a rule

Pro users Lite users

Step by step:

  1. Sign in to your Guesty account.
  2. In the top navigation bar, click the mode selector and select Operations mode.
  3. Click Properties.
  4. Click the relevant property. For a multi-unit, select a sub-unit on the left. Smart Calendar Rules must be set up for each sub-unit individually. Learn more about accessing a sub-unit's settings.
  5. In the left-side menu, click Calendar and select Smart Calendar Rules.
  6. If this is the first rule you're creating, click Create a Smart Calendar Rule. Otherwise, click New rule.
  7. In the pop-up, choose the properties you want the rule to block.
  8. Check the relevant boxes:
    • Two-way rule: When any of the selected listings are blocked, automatically block the other listings.
    • Include manual blocks: Apply the rule when the listing has a manual block, not only when there is a reservation.
  9. Click Add rule.
  10. Choose whether to apply the rule retroactively, meaning that existing reservations and manual blocks will block the connected listings.
  11. Click Save. New rules are activated by default.

Edit or delete a rule

To edit a rule, click Edit at the top right of the Smart Calendar Rules page of the property.

Check or uncheck the relevant boxes, or deactivate or activate a rule. To delete a rule, click Trash icon. Rules can also be activated or deactivated in bulk using the toggle at the top.

To edit a rule that is enforced on the property, click Manage affecting rule in the "Rules enforced on..." section.

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