New regulatory framework for short-term rentals in New South Wales, Australia

This article provides a short summary of the new New South Wales, Australia regulations, however, property managers are encouraged to read in full all regulations applicable to their managed properties. Guesty does not take responsibility for the compliance with regulations or the completeness and accuracy of any summary or article relating to regulations, and encourages all property managers to review and comply with all country, state, and city regulations
In June 2018, the New South Wales (NSW) Government announced there would be a new regulatory framework to manage short-term rental accommodations meant to safeguard the interests of local communities while enabling homeowners to partake in the sharing economy. The key elements of the framework are:
  • A state-wide planning framework to achieve consistency and certainty across local planning controls
  • A code of conduct to apply to all industry participants, including hosts, guests, and booking platforms
  • Changes to strata laws to allow owners corporations to adopt by-laws that prohibit nonresident lot owners from offering short term rentals
  • A mandatory short-term rental accommodation premises register
According to the full code of conduct, from the day that registration on the premises register becomes mandatory, a booking platform will only be allowed to advertise a short-term accommodation premise if it is registered and its registration number is displayed on the booking platform online.
See below how you can add the registration number for your listings on Guesty.

Airbnb listings

Currently, you cannot set up and manage the registration number for Airbnb listings on Guesty. Follow the instructions below based on the scenario that best describes your current situation. 

I haven't connected yet my Airbnb account to Guesty

If you are connecting your Airbnb account to Guesty for the first time, you must enter the registration number on Airbnb. Failure to do so could result in listings being pulled down or penalized.

I already connected my Airbnb account to Guesty

For listings in NSW, once an Airbnb account is connected to Guesty, you should not create new listings in Guesty and publish them.
Listings that you want to add to the connected Airbnb account and manage from Guesty should first be created on Airbnb. After adding the listing's registration number on Airbnb, make sure the listing was imported into Guesty and connect it.


Please see this Airbnb Help Centre article for more information. listings

For listings, you can add the registration number on Guesty after the listing has been published or during the publishing process. Please follow these instructions to add the registration number.

Vrbo listings

For Vrbo listings, you can manage the registration number from Guesty. Please follow these instructions to make sure the correct number is sent to Vrbo.


You can view an abbreviated version of the code of conduct on the Guesty blog and review this information from the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment.

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