Setting up a reservations report

Guesty’s reservations report provides a centralized view of your booking data, offering information on key aspects of each reservation. Use this tool to efficiently track reservations, monitor key metrics, and stay organized.

The reservations report default view is displayed when navigating to the reservation page. Customize the report by adding columns and filters to include additional information, such as payment status, booking channel of origin, and a financial breakdown of each reservation’s price.

Learn about key financial terms you can add to the report as columns or filters.

Reservations reports only includes active listings. Reservations assigned to deactivated listings don't appear in the reports.

Follow the instructions below or watch our video to create, view, share, download, or delete a reservations report.


Create a custom reservations report

A reservations report can include a maximum of 10,000 rows. Contact us if you need a longer report.

Pro users Lite users

Step by step:

  1. Sign in to your Guesty account.
  2. In the top navigation bar, click the mode selector and select Operations mode.
  3. Click Reservations.
  4. Add filters and/or columns to adjust the data.
    • Click the circle plus icon next to "Filters" and select the desired filter. Enter the relevant information, then click Save.
    • To edit or remove a filter, hover over the name of a filter and click the Pencil icon or ✕ as needed.
    • To add a column, click Columns at the top right. Toggle column names on or off to add or remove them.
  5. Click Save as new custom report.
  6. Type a name for the custom report and click Save.

To view your saved reports, click the downward arrow next to the name of the current report being presented, above "Filters". Select the relevant report from the list.


For owner net revenue, add the column "Owner net revenue (Accounting)" if you're using Guesty's Accounting. Otherwise, use "Owner net revenue".

Owner stays are not included in reservation reports. Instead, download a CSV file with your owner details and stays.

Custom fields with Yes/No variables appear blank if their value is not yet configured.


The "Stay dates" filter displays all reservations that include a date within the specified filter.

If you encounter a problem adding columns or filters (for example, adding a "resort fee" filter), check that you have at least one reservation with this value. Only values recorded in at least one reservation can be used in the report. 

To bookmark a report, hover over it and click the star to the right. It will be added to the "Favorites" section of the reports list.

Share a reservations report (Pro users)

You can share the reservations report directly with phonebook contacts or users that have a valid email address updated in Guesty. Click the square share icon, and select the relevant contacts or users for the dropdown menu. Configure the message attached to the report and choose whether to send it once or schedule a weekly delivery.

The contact or user must have a valid email address in Guesty.

Edit a reservations report (Pro users)

To rename a report or manage its sharing rules, click the vertical ellipsisat the top-right corner of the report and select the relevant option.

Delete a custom reservations report (Pro users)

The default reports cannot be deleted, only additional reports you've created. Locate the relevant report you'd like to delete by clicking the downward arrow next to the name of the current report being presented, above "Filters". Hover over it, and click Trash icon.

Print or download a reservations report

You can print a reservations report, by clicking the vertical ellipsis. You can also download a report by clicking the download csv icon at the top right. The report will then be sent to your email as a CSV file.


To ensure a quick download of your reports, remove any columns that aren’t relevant and sort the report by check-in date.

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