Accounting by Guesty is a premium feature available to Pro users only. Please contact us to discuss activating it.
The business model tells us how to calculate fees and share revenue, and is the basis for our accounting solution. Calculations in other parts of Accounting, like folios, reports, and owner statements, are all based on your business model setup.
The business model should be based on your existing accounting setup to ensure a smooth management of your finances in Guesty. You can set up multiple business models depending on your needs.
Get started with Accounting
If you haven't already signed up for Accounting, please contact us.
If your onboarding call is already scheduled, review our checklist so you can prepare in advance for a smooth process.
When you create the first business model you will also activate Accounting.
Set up your business model to reflect the agreement between you and the owner. For example, if you agree to share the cleaning fee, include it in the formula for the net rental income calculation.
On the other hand, if the cleaning fee is calculated according to a different ratio between you and the owner, list it as part of the trust account income and define the commission division separately. The setup of these commissions will be automatically reflected in calculations for the owner statement.
Tier-based commission splits are not supported in business models. For example, setting up the owner share as 80% of monthly revenue when the revenue is less than or equal to $X, and 75% when it is higher than $X.