When creating a new business model, "channel commission" and "pre-deducted channel commission" are shown under the net rental income (NRI) calculation and trust account expenses.
What is the difference?
"Channel commission" is when the channel charges commission separately from guest payments and bills you directly. "Pre-deducted channel commission" means the channel pre-deducts and collects commission directly from the guest payment before transferring the remaining balance to you. (Learn more about configuring channel commissions.)
If you would like to include channel commission as an expense in your NRI calculation, select both options.
Under trust account expenses you can split the recurring cost of booking channels commissions between the PMC and owner. You have the option to set a different split for pre-deducted commission if you would like.
What does this mean for existing business models?
These options are only available when creating a new business model. For existing business models, no action is required on your part:
If your existing business model includes channel commission as an expense in your NRI calculation, both types of commission are included.
Your percentage split between the PMC and owner for the channel commission recurring expense includes both commission types.
The only reason to create a new business model is if you would like to set a different percentage split between "channel commission" and "pre-deducted channel commission".