Displaying which amenities are included in your property allows your potential guests to assess whether the property suits their needs, making their stay more enjoyable.
See which amenities are synced between Guesty and the channels.
Also, you can view in the property page which amenities are synced between Guesty and Airbnb, Booking.com, Rentals United, and Vrbo.
After connecting a listing to a booking channel, the channel's logo will be displayed to the right of the amenity name in the property page, and will appear in color when it is synced with the channel, and in grey when it is not. The channel's logo will appear only after you connect the listing to it.
In case a sub-unit is connected to a channel while the multi-unit main unit is not, the channel's logo will be displayed only on the sub-unit's amenities page, not in the main unit settings.
You can configure that pets are allowed on a property in a listing house rules.
Set or update your amenities in Guesty only if you have set a Full sync for your listing. If you set a Limited sync, set or update these fields directly in Airbnb. you can change your sync settings from Full sync to Limited sync, and manage all content attributes, including the listing amenities, in Airbnb.
Additionally, adding or changing an amenity in Airbnb disables your ability to update the amenity in Guesty, regardless of the sync type. This locked attributes feature can be used, for example, to add an amenity type supported in Airbnb but not in Guesty. To do so, directly add the desired amenity in Airbnb. The amenity will be managed in Airbnb and “locked” from being changed from Guesty. The amenity won't be displayed in Guesty but will appear in Airbnb.
If you have a limited sync connection type, set or change your listings' amenities directly in Vrbo. All other Vrbo users who have a full sync connection type, follow the instructions below to manage your listings' amenities via Guesty.
Follow the instructions below to set or update your listing's amenities.
Step by step:
- Sign in to your Guesty account.
- In the top navigation bar, click the mode selector and select Operations mode.
- Click Properties.
- Click the relevant listing.
If the listing is a multi-unit, access the multi-unit's main unit. All sub-units will inherit the same amenities listed in the main unit. - In the left-side menu, under "Details & layout", select Amenities.
- Click Edit.
- Under "Popular amenities", select the relevant checkboxes to add or remove an amenity.
- A booking channel's logo will be added next to an amenity after you connect the listing to the channel. A Booking.com logo, for example, won't appear next to "Air conditioning", unless you already connected the listing to Booking.com.
- If a booking channel's logo appears in gray, the amenity is not synced between Guesty and the channel.
- Under "More amenities", click the arrow to the right of any amenities group to expand it. Then, select additional amenities from this group (if needed).
- Click Save.
- Selecting "Bathtub" in Guesty's amenities adds a bathtub to one bathroom on Vrbo, even if multiple bathrooms have bathtubs. You cannot specify which bathroom displays it or configure multiple bathtubs. Instead, add this information to the listing's description.
- In Guesty, both "Internet" and "Wireless Internet" are marked as Vrbo amenities, but due to a Vrbo limitation, only "Internet" appears on the listing page. To ensure "Wi-Fi" is included, add the term "free Wi-Fi" to the listing title or description. Guesty combines all description fields into a single text, and Vrbo will display "free Wi-Fi" under the "General" section of the listing.
- You can also contact Vrbo Support to update the System of Record (SOR) for amenities. This will allow you to manage amenities directly in the Vrbo.
Step by step:
- Sign in to your Guesty account.
- In the top navigation bar, click Listings.
- Click the relevant listing.
- In the left-side menu, under "Details & layout", select Amenities.
- Click Edit.
- Under "Popular amenities", select the relevant checkboxes to add or remove an amenity.
- If a booking channel's logo appears in gray, the amenity is not synced between Guesty and the channel.
- Under "More amenities", click the arrow to the right of any amenities group to expand it. Then, select additional amenities from this group (if needed).
- Click Save.