Updating a guest’s estimated arrival and departure times

The estimated time of arrival (ETA) and estimated time of departure (ETD) are estimations of the guest's arrival and departure, separate from a listing's check-in and check-out times

You can edit a guest's ETA and ETD and their reservation will be updated accordingly. Follow the instructions below.

Listings connected to Airbnb:

Changing the ETA/ETD is not supported on Airbnb. If you adjust these values in Guesty, they will revert to the listing's default check-in/check-out times following the next update in Airbnb.

Pro users Lite users

Step by step:

  1. Sign in to your Guesty account.
  2. In the top navigation bar, click the mode selector and select Operations mode.
  3. Click Reservations.
  4. Click the relevant reservation.
  5. For Airbnb reservations,  click the three vertical dots , then select Edit reservation. For other reservations, click  .
  6. Edit the fields under ETA and ETD.
  7. Click Save.

The estimated arrival and departure times are displayed in the UTC time format on both the guest's reservation page and in Custom Reports.


Display this information in a reservations report by adding new columns for planned arrival and planned departure.

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