If you notice discrepancies in calendar availability or pricing between Guesty and Expedia, follow these guidelines to identify and resolve the issue.
Verify listing connection
Ensure your listing is properly connected between Guesty and Expedia. A disconnected listing won’t sync updates leading to discrepancies in calendar availability and pricing.
Step by step
- Sign in to your Guesty account.
- In the top navigation bar, click the mode selector and select Growth mode.
- Click Distribution.
- Click the Expedia thumbnail.
- Confirm that your listing is connected and marked as active. If it isn’t, linking your Expedia listing to Guesty.
Check for third-party pricing tools
Third-party pricing tools automatically adjust rates and availability, potentially overriding rates set in Guesty, and leading to discrepancies. Since Guesty doesn’t connect directly to Expedia, rates and availability sync through the third-party tool. If discrepancies appear, verify and align settings manually in both Guesty and Expedia to ensure accuracy.
Verify markups and pricing
Discrepancies in pricing may result from markups applied in Guesty that appear differently in Expedia.
Verify the rates
Step by step
- Check the rates in the Guesty Multi-Calendar for the specific dates.
- Compare the markup value (set at either the listing or account level) to the rates displayed in Expedia.
- If the rates match, the discrepancy may be due to the markup percentage. The base rate in Guesty differs from the amount displayed in Expedia because Expedia shows the final price, including the markup.
- If the rates don’t match and the cause is unclear, contact us for further assistance.