Setting up multiple types of price reductions on a listing

You can offer guests a variety of price reductions, including promotions, discounts, and coupons. Multiple types of reductions can be set on the same listing, and even applied to the same reservation. While promotions and discounts sync to some channels, coupons can only be applied to direct or manual reservations. 

You can set multiple promotions on the same listing, but only one can apply to a single reservation. The promotion that will be used depends on the booking channel. Also, weekly and monthly discounts can be set on the same listing. The monthly discount (%) must be greater than or equal to the weekly discount (%). Additionally, you can set up multiple coupons on a listing, but only one coupon can be applied to each reservation.

Learn below if different price reduction types will stack or override one another.

Combining promotions, coupons, weekly discounts, and monthly discounts

If multiple types of discounts are applied, they will either stack or override one another, according to the specific channel.

Manual & direct

For manual and direct integration sources, promotions can be combined with coupons, weekly discounts, and monthly discounts.

If a reservation is eligible for multiple types of discounts, the weekly or monthly discount will be applied first, affecting the calculation of the accommodation fare. Then, coupons and promotions will be applied one after the other.

For example, the accommodation fare is $5254 after applying a weekly discount. The price was further reduced by a 10% coupon and a 10% promotion,  resulting in an accommodation fare of $4255.74.


Airbnb considers weekly and monthly discounts the same as Length of Stay promotions (both referred to as “Length of Stay Discounts” in Airbnb).  If you set a weekly or monthly discount and a Length of Stay promotion to the same listing in Guesty, the Length of Stay promotion will override the Weekly/Monthly discount.

In addition, if you set weekly or monthly discounts in Guesty, they will override the Length of Stay "discount" set in Airbnb (but will not affect Early Bird or Last Minute discounts in Airbnb).

You can combine Early Bird or Last Minute promotions with weekly or monthly discounts in Guesty. 

Weekly and monthly discounts and coupons are not synced with You can only apply promotions to reservations. 


Coupons and weekly or monthly discounts are not synced with Expedia. You can only apply promotions to Expedia reservations.

All other channels

Only weekly or monthly discounts can be synced to other channels. Check the relevant channel information.

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