Once your Booking.com listings are connected to Guesty, you can set up forwarding notifications directly from Booking.com to your personal/business email address. If you'd like other team members to receive these notifications, you can add multiple email addresses.
The types of notifications you'll receive are related to booking channel integrations, calendar availability, payments, reservations, and tasks.
Follow the instructions below to set up your notification emails.
Keep in mind, you can't use your Guesty integration email address for this capability.
Step by step:
- Sign in to your Guesty account.
- In the top navigation bar, click the mode selector and select Growth mode.
- Click Distribution.
- Click the Booking.com thumbnail.
- Click to the right of the relevant account on the list.
- In the pop-up, scroll down to the "Forward guest communications and notifications to" field.
- Click Add Email.
- In the field that appears, enter the email address.
- Click Save.
Learn how to set up account-related email notifications.