Managing coupons

You can use coupons to offer guests a percentage or money-off discount. Coupons are applied to specific listings, giving you the flexibility to tailor the coupons to your properties' needs.

While you can apply multiple coupons to the same listing, only one coupon can be used for a single reservation.

Before you begin

Note the following limitations

  • Coupons cannot be used on the last date in a coupon's availability range. For example, when selecting May 14, 2024 as a "last booking date", guests cannot use the coupon on 14 May 2024 (or any day after it).
  • Coupons can be applied only to manual reservations and reservations from direct integration sources.

Follow the instructions below or watch our video.

Create a coupon

Step by step:

  1. Sign in to your Guesty account.
  2. In the top navigation bar, click the mode selector and select Growth mode.
  3. Click Revenue management and select Coupons.
  4. In the top-right corner of the page, click New coupon.
  5. Fill in the coupon settings and click Next In the top-right corner.
    • Name

      The name Will be visible to guests on your website. You can use numbers, letters, and special characters.

    • Code

      The code guests will use to redeem the coupon.

    • Discount amount

      The percentage or amount you are offering as a discount.

  6. Fill in the coupon's availability and click Next in the top-right corner:
    • When can guests stay using this coupon?

      Enter a date range if you want guests to check in between certain dates to use this coupon. You can exclude certain days/dates in the selected date range. If the guest's stay falls on one of those days/dates - they will not be able to use the coupon.

    • When is the last date guests can book using this coupon?

      The coupon won't be applicable to use on the day of the selected date.

    • How many times can this coupon be used?

      Enter a limit to how many times this coupon can be used in total (not per guest).

    • How long do guests need to stay to use this coupon? 

      Enter the minimum or maximum nights the guest needs to book to be able to use this coupon.

  7. Select the listings the coupon applies to and click Create coupon in the top-right corner:
    • All listings

      All existing and new listings will have this coupon.

    • Select listings

      Choose which specific listings will have this coupon (you can use the filters to narrow your search).

  8. You can copy the coupon code from the pop-up, and click Continue to coupons dashboard to see all your coupons and their codes.

The coupon will be added to the coupons dashboard, and its status will become "Active". Guests can book reservations with it as long as it stays active.

Edit a coupon

You can only update the coupon's "Availability" and "Select listings" sections. To update the "Coupon settings" section, including name, code, usage, or discount amount - create a new coupon and delete or deactivate the inaccurate coupon. 

Step by step:

  1. Sign in to your Guesty account.
  2. In the top navigation bar, click the mode selector and select Growth mode.
  3. Click Revenue management and select Coupons.
  4. Find the coupon you want to edit.
  5. Click the three dots at the right end of the row and select Edit coupon.
  6. Make the desired changes in the "Availability" or "Select listings" sections, or in both. 
  7. Click Save changes.
  8. In the pop-up message, click Save changes.

Deactivate a coupon

Once a coupon is deactivated, its status will become "Not active", and guests won't be able to book reservations with it anymore. It should still be honored for reservations booked with it, regardless of their check-in status.

Step by step:

  1. Sign in to your Guesty account.
  2. In the top navigation bar, click the mode selector and select Growth mode.
  3. Click Revenue management and select Coupons.
  4. Find the coupon you want to deactivate.
  5. Turn off the toggle at the right end of the row.

Reactivate a coupon

You can activate a coupon that has expired or been deactivated, and update the fields in the "Availability" and "Select listings" sections. You won't be able to update the coupon's name, code, or discount amount in the "Settings" section.

Step by step:

  1. Sign in to your Guesty account.
  2. In the top navigation bar, click the mode selector and select Growth mode.
  3. Click Revenue management and select Coupons.
  4. Find the coupon you want to activate. If the status is "Expired", at least one of the following availability settings is no longer applicable. Update them before continuing to the next step:
    • When can guests stay using this coupon? 
    • When is the last date guests can book using this coupon? 
  5. Click Save & Activate.
  6. In the pop-up message, click Save & activate.

Delete a coupon

Once you delete a coupon, it will be removed from your coupons dashboard and guests will not be able to book reservations with it anymore. It should still be honored for reservations booked with it, regardless of their check-in status.


Deleting a coupon cannot be reversed.

Step by step:

  1. Sign in to your Guesty account.
  2. In the top navigation bar, click the mode selector and select Growth mode.
  3. Click Revenue management and select Coupons.
  4. Find the coupon you want to delete.
  5. Click the three dots at the right end of the row and select Delete coupon.
  6. In the pop-up, click Yes, delete coupon.
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