Guesty's direct booking integrations: Guesty Websites, Guesty Booking Engine API, and Guesty Booking Engine

Guesty offers three direct booking integrations: Guesty Booking Engine (named Booking Website for Lite users), Booking Engine API (Pro users), and Guesty Websites (Pro users). Direct integration sources are also referred to as Guesty's online booking solutions.

Read more about each below.

Guesty Booking Engine (Booking Website for Lite users)

Guesty Booking Engine is our direct booking solution, allowing your guests to browse your available listings and book their reservations directly through Guesty. The engine is set on a dedicated web page, but can also be embedded as a widget on your external website.

Learn how to create a Guesty Booking Engine here.


This requires a web developer with API connectivity knowledge to setup.

Booking Engine API (Pro users)

Establish an API-instance connection between your external applications and websites to the Guesty, allowing you to retrieve data from guesty, including:

  • Real-time availability 
  • Property information (amenities, location, pictures, etc.)
  • Updated price quotes
  • Create coupons
  • Create new reservations, synced with Guesty

Learn here how to create a Booking Engine API instance.

Guesty Websites (Pro users)

Create your own branded marketing website directly from Guesty, using our user-friendly site-builder platform, with Guesty's Booking Engine already integrated into it. You can choose between our Basic Website and our Advanced Website, learn more here.


Guesty Websites is based on the Guesty Booking Engine. You must have a Booking Engine to be able to use Guesty Websites.

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