Why was my listing rejected by Hopper, Marriott (HVMB), or other additional booking channels?

New online travel agencies (OTA) try to set themselves apart from the other commonly known booking channels, and focus on more selective parts of the vacation rental market.

If your listing has been rejected by a specific booking channel, contact the relevant OTA for more details.

Below are a few examples of specific OTAs and their listing requirements/limitations.

  • Some of Hopper's requirements include:
    • Your properties must be in USD as a currency only
    • Must include a full kitchen
  • Some of Marriott (HVBM)'s requirements include:
    • High-end properties
    • Minimum of 5 amenities
    • Your listings must have availability of at least 3 consecutive days for the next 365 days, including a nightly base price
  • Some of SmilingHouse's requirements include:
    • Must have at least 3 bedrooms


Learn more about the listing requirements and limitations with our Help Center articles for Google Vacation Rental, Marriott (HVBM), and additional booking channels.

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