Which channels sync a listing's reservation policy?

After you connect a listing to a booking channel, you can easily see which reservation policy is synced with the channel. Access the Reservation policies section in the relevant property page, and hover over the component's settings to the right of each reservation policy component.

In the example below, the "Check-in start time" component of the "Check-in and check-out policy" is synced with Booking.com and manual/direct sources. The listing in this example is already connected to Booking.com.

Follow the instructions below to check if a reservation policy is synced with a channel, or see which channels sync the listing house rules in the next section.

Check which channels sync your reservation policies


You can only see if a reservation policy syncs with a channel after you connect the listing to the channel. 

Pro users Lite users

ֿStep by step:

  1. Sign in to your Guesty account.
  2. In the top navigation bar, click the icon dropdown menu and select Operations mode.

  3. Click Properties.
  4. Click the relevant listing.
  5. In the left-side menu, click Pricing & policies. Then, select Reservation policies.
  6. Locate the relevant reservation policy section and policy's component.
  7. Hover over the settings of the policy component, appearing on the right side of the component's row.
  8. In the pop-up window, under "Synced with", the channels that the component is synced with will appear.

Which booking channels do house rules sync with?

See below which channels sync the house rules section of the reservation policies.





Rentals United

Beta users: Guesty Booking Engine (Guesty Website for Lite users)

Suitable for children (2-12 years)




Reasons for not allowing kids (free text) cannot be translated into other languages and will appear as written.

Suitable for infants (under 2 years)

Pets are allowed

(Pets can stay for free)

Pets are allowed

(Charges may apply)

Read more here

Read more here

Smoking is allowed  ✓

Parties or events are allowed

Airbnb has a strict policy for parties and events. Read it before allowing it.

Quiet time        
Additional house rules       ✓ (this section cannot be translated into other languages and will appear as written)
Guest safety

✓ (In Beta)



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