I created an additional fee but it's not in the reservation's list of fees

When you add an additional fee to a reservation, you choose from a closed list of fees - you cannot create the fee on the spot, you have to set up your pool of additional fees ahead of time.

If you know you created an additional fee but you don't see it in the list of fees that can be added to a reservation, ask yourself if that fee should apply to most of your listings or if it's specific to this reservation's listing (if only one of your listings has a pool, for example, only that listing needs a pool fee):

  • If the fee is specific to the listing that was booked, follow these instructions to find the listing's "Additional fees & charges" section under "Pricing and policies" - you need to make sure the additional fee is set up on the listing and that the listing is not using additional fees that were set up elsewhere:
    1. If the fee is not there, click Edit to create it.
    2. Make sure the Use your account's default settings toggle is OFF, or you will only be able to choose from the pool of additional fees set up on your account for reservations on this listing. 
  • If the fee should apply to most of your listings, follow these instructions to find your account's "Additional fees" section under "Financial settings" - you need to make sure the additional fee can be added to all reservations by default:
    1. If the fee is not there, click Edit to create it.
    2. Follow the instructions above for the listing that was booked and make sure the Use your account's default settings toggle is ON, or you will not be able to choose from the pool of additional fees set up on your account for reservations on this listing.
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