Creating a check-in form template

Create a check-in form that can be sent to guests prior to their arrival to gather useful information about their stay.

Follow the instructions below to create a check-in form or watch our video.

Before you begin

Below is some important information about creating a check-in form template:

  • Sensitive information (such as credit card numbers) shouldn't be requested via Guesty
    If a guest requests for their information to be deleted from your records, you are required to do so.
  • You can replace the default text in any field that is underlined with dashes
    Users with certain roles can create and edit the check-in form template.
  • Once a guest fills in a check-in form, they'll automatically receive a message with the summary of the information they submitted
    Guesty's automated message (and the info from the guest's completed check-in form) can be seen in the guest's conversation in the Guesty Inbox.
  • The check-in form can only be set up in English

Creating a check-in form template

Follow the instructions below to create a check-in form.

Step by step:

  1. Sign in to your Guesty account.
  2. In the top navigation bar, click the mode selector and select Guest experience mode.
  3. Click Documents, and select Check-in form.
  4. Fill in all relevant information to customize the template.
  5. Read the Terms and Conditions/Privacy Policy and activate the checkbox.
  6. Click Save.


Learn more about Guesty's pre-stay tools in our dedicated webinar

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