A transaction is a business event with a monetary impact on your company's financial statements. Transactions can be generated automatically by your business model or added manually. A transaction can be reversed in a specific reservation, or in the posting journal.
Before you begin
Reversing a transaction cannot be undone.
Reversing a transaction will prevent it from being included in balances and reports.
If transactions are locked because the accounting period ended, only account admins and accountants can reverse transactions.
If you reprocess the reservation later, automatic transactions that were reversed will be recreated.
If there was a disbursement on the reservation, you will not be able to reprocess it.
if you make changes on the guest folio, refresh the page then scroll down to see the updates reflected in the accounting folio. Do not reprocess.
Reverse a transaction in the posting journal
Use the posting journal to create an accounting custom report view and sort transactions according to specific filters, allowing you to locate and reverse transactions that are no longer relevant to your accounting records.
For example, filter by "Owners" to reverse a transaction on the owner statement.
Step by step:
- Sign in to your Guesty account.
- In the top navigation bar, click the mode selector and select Accounting mode.
- Click General ledger and select Posting journal.
- To the right of the transaction you want to reverse, click
then click Reverse.
- In the pop-up, review the related entries that will be automatically reversed along with the transaction selected.
- Enter a reason in the text box (optional), then click Reverse.
Reverse a transaction in a reservation
Step by step:
- Sign in to your Guesty account.
- In the top navigation bar, click the mode selector and select Financials mode.
- Click Reservations.
- Select the relevant reservation.
- At the top right, click Balance due/Payout.
- Scroll down to the "Accounting folio" section.
- To the right of the relevant transaction, click
- In the pop-up, click Yes.