Disconnecting your booking channels from Guesty

If you no longer work with a specific booking channel, or the listings associated with an account are no longer under your management, you can disconnect the booking channel account from Guesty. You can reconnect it at any time.

Be sure to disconnect all listings associated with the booking channel accounts you want to disconnect. These listings will remain on the integration page in Guesty. 

If you no longer have access to your Guesty account, such as when your free trial ended, contact us to disconnect your booking channels from Guesty on your behalf.

Booking.com / Expedia

Contact us to disconnect your account.


Contact SiteMinder to disconnect your account.


Lite users: Contact us to disconnect your account.

Pro users: Disconnecting your Vrbo account is an irreversible action. Once the account is disconnected, it cannot be reconnected and all integration data is erased. Any previously connected listings associated with the account will be deactivated and can no longer be managed in Guesty. These listings cannot be republished to the same disconnected account; however, they can be published to a new Vrbo account.

Once a Vrbo account is disconnected from Guesty, it automatically becomes inactive. While this doesn't remove the account entirely, it effectively removes its active status within Guesty's system.

Follow the instructions to disconnect your booking channel via Guesty.

Pro users Lite users

Step by step:

  1. Sign in to your Guesty account.
  2. In the top navigation bar, click the mode selector and select Growth mode.
  3. Click Distribution.
  4. Click the relevant booking channel thumbnail.
  5. Airbnb: To the right of the relevant account, click Connected and select Disconnect.

    BookingPal and Misterbnb: In the top right, click Disconnect.

    Vrbo: To the right of the relevant account, click the Settings icon.

  6. In the pop-up, click Yes, disconnect.
  7. Refresh the page.

The account and all its listings will be disconnected from Guesty within 15 minutes. Once disconnected, the status will change to “Not connected”. You can now remove the account from Guesty or reconnect it.

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