Beta: Offering extra services in your Guesty Booking Engine

Once you've created an additional fee, you can set the fee to be an upsell for an extra service on your Guesty Booking Engine and make it available for your guests to purchase.  You can also promote the items by adding hyperlinks to the extra services on external pages.

Defining a fee as an upsell does not impact the fee settings which you have set to automatically apply to specific channels or sources. Instead, it is added as an optional extra service for your guests to purchase on your website. 

The name displayed on the website will be the internal name of the fee in Guesty. You can change the name at any point under the fee settings.

Step by step:

  1. Sign in to your Guesty account.
  2. In the top navigation bar, click the mode selector and select Financials mode.
  3. Click Financial settings and select Additional fees.
  4. To the right of the relevant fee, click the vertical ellipsis and select Upsell on your website.
  5. Toggle on Upsell on your website.
  6. Upload an image related to the service (recommended size is 4:3).
  7. Enter freeform text to tell your guests more about the extra service and what’s included.
  8. Click Save.


The upsell text will not be translated to other languages on the website, it will be displayed as written.


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