Guesty PriceOptimizer analytics dashboard: Explained

The Guesty PriceOptimizer Analytics dashboard provides in-depth analytical data of your PriceOptimizer listings so you can easily track reservation metrics and support your pricing decisions. PriceOptimizer Analytics consists of two dashboards: the Pace Report dashboard and Benchmarks dashboard. See more information below.

Access the dashboard

  1. Sign in to your Guesty account.
  2. In the top navigation bar, click the mode selector and select Growth mode.
  3. Click PriceOptimizer.
  4. At the top right, click Analytics.

Pace report dashboard

The Pace Report dashboard compares your current year's revenue, average nightly rate (ANR), and with the same time periods in the previous year. The information in this dashboard can give you an indication of whether you need to increase marketing efforts, adjust pricing, or make other changes to match or improve upon your listings' performance last year. See below a summary of all the widgets found in the dashboard.

Revenue this year

See the revenue of your selected listings for the selected timeframe, comparing the current year with the previous year. You can also see here the percentage of year-over-year growth for the set time period. You can see shows how your listings have performed on a monthly basis compared to the same time last year.

ANR this year

View a calculation of your average nightly rate (ANR) this year for the selected listings compared to the same listings last year.


See the occupancy rate of some or all of your listings over a selected period. In Guesty, the occupancy rate is calculated as follows: the number of booked days divided by the number of bookable days. 

Pace of revenue and ANR

These bar graphs show the total revenue and average nightly rate (ANR) by month compared to the same month last year along with the percentage change between the two months.

Occupancy for reserved listings

This bar graph shows the occupancy rate for current listings with reservations by month compared to the same month last year.

Booked weekends and booked weekdays

These bar graphs show the total number of days booked during the week and weekend by month compared to the same month last year.

Booking window trends

This graph gives you an indication of how much time in advance of check-in the reservation was confirmed, split into the categories Next 7 Days, Next 30 Days, Next 30-60 Days, Next 60-90 Days, and Next 90 Days. You can use this to estimate how many reservations you can expect in a certain time period. You can see a breakdown of the categories for your selected timeframe and selected listings.

Pace metrics and occupancy metrics

This section provides a detailed breakdown of your pace and occupancy metrics in table format. Export this table as a CSV file to share this information at your convenience.   

Benchmarks dashboard

The Benchmarks dashboard utilizes aggregated and anonymized data from 200,000 listings to create market data for the following three metrics on a monthly basis:

  • Average nightly rate (ANR)
  • Average booked days
  • Average overall review rating

You can see how your listings compare to what else is available in the market to help support your business decisions.


Average nightly rate

The sum of dividing the host payout or accommodation fare for a confirmed reservation (depending on your average nightly rate calculation setup) by the number of nights booked for that reservation. This calculation is calendar-based and does not take recognized revenue settings into consideration, so if a reservation starts in one month and ends in the next month, the reservation will be split into the relevant months.

Average booked days

The average number of days booked in a specific month. This calculation is calendar-based, so if a reservation starts in one month and ends in the next month, each month is assigned its relative part of the reservation.

Average overall review rating

The average overall review rating in a specific month


For each of the three metrics listed above, the benchmark is calculated for 6 months before and 12 months after the current month. We aim to find the most accurate data available from as many listings as possible to compare to your listings. If not enough listings are found, we try to find listings that match yours on general points. See below how we match listings by levels, from specific to general:
  1. Month + property type + bedrooms + zip code
  2. Month + property type + bedrooms + city
  3. Month + bedroom + city
  4. Month + bedroom + county

Market benchmarks

This section provides an explanation of the dashboard's various calculations and four widgets with the following information:
  • The percentage of your listings for which we have comparable market data in the selected time period
  • Your average nightly rate compared to the benchmark in the selected time period
  • Your average booked days compared to the benchmark in the selected time period
  • Your review rating compared to the benchmark in the selected time period

Benchmarks by geolocation and property size

This section contains six widgets to provide a breakdown of each of the three metrics based on location ("By city") and the number of rooms ("By property size").
To view the breakdown of a particular location or listings with a particular number of rooms, click the relevant bar in the relevant widget and the entire dashboard will update accordingly. If you want the benchmark comparison to include only specific locations or listings with a specific number of rooms, use the filters in the sidebar on the right to choose the relevant settings, such as "Bedrooms" or "Listing city".

ANR/Avg booked days/Avg review rating

This section provides a detailed table for the selected period, broken down by listing. To view a specific listing in Guesty, click the listing name under the "Listing" column, and it will open in a new tab.
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