Advanced Analytics is a premium feature available to Pro users only. Contact us to discuss activating it.
Guesty offers two analytical tools:
- Analytics, our standard built-in tool
- Advanced Analytics, our in-depth premium tool.
If you have Advanced Analytics, you will see a yellow tag that says premium.
In both Analytics and Advanced Analytics, revenue is calculated based on the host payout by default. In Analytics, that is the only option, but in Advanced Analytics, revenue can also be calculated based on one of the following - contact us or your Customer Success Manager to set this up:
- Net income: Derived from the revenue share formula that is set on the account or listing level (not relevant for Accounting users)
- Accommodation fare: The reservation's accommodation fare before any discounts
- Net accommodation fare: The reservation's accommodation fare after discounts
- Net accommodation fare plus cleaning fare: The net accommodation fare plus the cleaning fee of a reservation
- Accommodation less channel commission: The net accommodation fare minus the channel commission
- Accommodation less channel commission: The net accommodation fare minus the channel commission
- Host payout minus channel commission: The total payout of a reservation minus the channel commission
- Host payout: The total payout of a reservation
The change will take up to 24 hours and will also apply to historical data.