Why do Airbnb messages create multiple conversations in the Inbox?

When a message is synced from Airbnb to Guesty, we receive its associated guest ID and a conversation ID. If both IDs match existing IDs already stored in Guesty, the new message will be added to the guest's existing conversation thread in the Inbox.

Use our troubleshooting guide below if two separate conversations were created for the same Airbnb guest. If the issue persists, refer to Troubleshooting: Duplicate guest messages in the Inbox.

The listing assigned to the reservation isn't under the same Airbnb account

Check if the listings assigned to the reservations are in the same Airbnb account. If not, the messages were separated because they originated from two different accounts.

Messages are in separate Airbnb threads

Check if the messages are within the same message thread in Airbnb If not, the messages were separated because Airbnb sent Guesty different conversation IDs.

Contact information is hidden by Airbnb

Airbnb hides contact information. When Guesty syncs the conversation from Airbnb, the message sent from the Inbox will not include these details.
Guesty will consider it a new message and sync it again, creating two versions: one with the contact information and one without.
Note that the message was only sent to the guest once, without the contact information.

Airbnb scheduled messages

If you are seeing a message that appears to be a duplicate automated message, you may have Airbnb's Scheduled Messages activated. Scheduled messages are being sent in conjunction with Guesty's Automated Messages.


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