Moving a listing from one business model to another

Accounting by Guesty is a premium feature. Please contact us to discuss activating it.

Listings need to be assigned to a business model in order for them to be visible to Guesty's accounting feature. For example, an unassigned listing will not show up in accounting reports such as owner statements. 

After a listing is assigned to a business model it can be moved to a different one, for example, if the listing has a new owner with a different business model. Just like when you assigned the listing to the first business model, you have the option to assign it or assign and reprocess it.

Generally speaking, you need to assign and reprocess if you want the new business model to apply to the listing's existing reservations. Follow the instructions below.


Once a listing is assigned to a business model, Guesty's revenue share will no longer apply to that listing.

Step by step:

  1. Sign in to your Guesty account
  2. In the top navigation bar, click the mode selector and select Accounting mode.
  3. Click Business models
  4. Click the new business model you want to assign the listing to. 
  5. In the top-right corner, click Assign listings
  6. If needed, you can use the search bar to narrow down the search. Activate the checkbox to the left of the listing you want to assign to the business model. 
  7. Click Assign or Assign and reprocess:
    • If you assign, the new business model will only be applied to the listing's future reservation. If you want the listing's existing reservations to stay on the old business model, you can go ahead and click Assign.
    • If you assign and reprocess, the new business model will be applied to all of the listing's reservations - future and existing.
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