Guesty Billing VAT FAQs

How much VAT do I have to pay?

The VAT rate is a percentage of the fee you pay to Guesty each billing cycle. The rate (%) is based on the regulation in the country your business is registered in:
  • In UK countries VAT is 20%.
  • In EU countries the VAT rate is based on local regulation.

What should I do if my business is VAT exempt?

In general, 99% of Guesty's users worldwide are not exempt. 

If you believe your business should be exempt, provide us with the certificate that proves your business is exempt and our finance team will review the request. If it is valid, you will not be charged VAT.

Will I be charged VAT if I have a valid VAT number?

If you're incorporated in the EU and provide Guesty with a valid VAT number, your invoice will be exempt from VAT. You can view or update the VAT number in your company info.


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