You can process credit card transactions in Guesty by connecting one or more payment processor accounts, such as Guesty's internal processor, GuestyPay, or an external processor such as Stripe, Merchant Warrior, or Hyp.
If you have only one account connected to Guesty, it will be the default account and all your listings will be automatically assigned to it.
If you have more than one account connected to Guesty, we recommend choosing which one you want to be the default account. If you set a new default account, listings that were assigned to the old default account will now be assigned to the new one. Additionally, any new listing you create in Guesty will be assigned to this default account automatically. If you want payments for a specific listing to be processed through a different account, follow these instructions to reassign it.
Step by step:
- Sign in to your Guesty account.
- In the top navigation bar, click the mode selector and select Financials mode.
- Click Payment processing.
- In the top-right corner of the "GuestPay" section, click Set as default.
- In the pop-up, click Apply.
Other payment processors
Step by step:
- Sign in to your Guesty account.
- In the top navigation bar, click the mode selector and select Financials mode.
- Click Payment processing.
- In the "Other payment processors" section, find the account you want to set as the default and click the three dots at the very end of the row.
- Click Set as default.
- In the pop-up, click Apply.
Guesty's internal payment processor is only available to Pro users.
Step by step:
- Sign in to your Guesty account.
- In the top navigation bar, click More and select Payment processing from the dropdown.
- In the "Stripe" section, find the account you want to set as the default and click the three dots at the very end of the row.
- Click Set as default.
- In the pop-up, click Apply.