Pilot: Automating Booking.com processing fee in Accounting

When a reservation is made by a guest and the payment processed in Booking.com, Booking.com's processing fee is automatically deducted when the amount is transferred into the trust account in Guesty. 

You can reconcile this fee by adding an owner charge or expense in your business model. Follow the steps below.

Charge to owner

  1. In the relevant business model, scroll down to the "Trust account" section.
  2. Click Trust account income.
  3. To the right, click Add recurring owner charge.
  4. Fill in the relevant details.

    Under "Amount to charge", in the "Per" field, select Booking.com payment from the dropdown menu.

    When "Booking.com payment" is selected, the value field is automatically grayed out. The value for each reservation will be populated by the actual fee charged.

  5. Scroll down and click Add.

Charge to PMC

  1. In the relevant business model, scroll down to the "Trust account" section.
  2. Click Trust account expenses.
  3. To the right, click Add recurring expense.
  4. Fill in the relevant details.

    Under "Expense to add", in the "Per" field, select Booking.com payment from the dropdown menu.

    When "Booking.com payment" is selected, the value field is automatically grayed out. The value for each reservation will be populated by the actual fee charged.

  5. Scroll down and click Add.
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